chapter thirty-two

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Maggie's Pov:

"You aren't leaving," was the first thing out of Julien's mouth after I woke up. Her hold was tight around my body.

"Darling, no matter how tight your grip is on me, I'm still gonna have to go. I'd probably be able to not only get up but pick you up along with it."

"Yeah, yeah I'm short. I know it's unrealistic but you should just stay!" My girlfriend pleaded, I truly didn't wanna leave but we both knew I had to.

"I love you and I would love to stay but I have to leave," I kissed her forehead, then her cheek. How can someone possibly look so perfect right after they wake up?

Julien started laughing, her eyebrows raised as giggles left her lips. "What are you laughing at?" I asked, propping myself up on my arm.

"You have a couple of hickeys on your neck."

I gasp, "You little shit! How dark are they?" I moved my head so she could look at the bruises better.

"You have three small ones, they're pretty faint. They should be gone in a few days! Also, your hair is long enough so it can cover it, I'm sorry!"

Our laughs filled the room, I was gonna miss little moments like this one. "It's only fair that I give you one," I told her, moving closer and closer to her neck. I teased for a few seconds until I left a hickey right under her neck tattoo. "Now we're even."

It took me a while to actually leave, we were definitely dragging out my unfortunate departure. "Julien I swear you better call me if you are having a hard time, okay?"

We were standing outside of her house beside my car. "I've learned my lesson, I will let you know If I need help. I love you, please tell me when you get home."

"I will, I love you too," I tucked her hair behind her ear, then cupped her cheek.

Julien stood on her tippy-toes and kissed me. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but we would see each other eventually. Love can get you far if you let it.


a/n: i'm almost finished with the chapter i'm working on so here to go!
I love clingy Julien <33
Omg I've been seeing so many really old photos of Julien and my God are they so cute?!?!


you can't help but become the sun / julien bakerWhere stories live. Discover now