The Wake Up

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Seeley felt like his head was going to explode. Something wasn't right. He couldn't remember falling asleep or where he even was. Had he been drinking? Was he in an accident? Did he still have his arm? He suddenly realised that he couldn't feel anything in his left arm. The panic was slowly setting in. His eyelids felt heavy too. His breathing started getting quicker.

"It's okay" a voice whispered. It was a voice he would recognise anywhere. Mia was here. Maybe he was in Texas. Maybe the Walkers had got him drunk and he was somewhere in their house. Slowly, he managed to drag his eyelids open. The bright white lights were hurting his eyes. He felt her hand clench around his. Slowly, he looked across at her. She looked tired. Like she had been crying. Still beautiful but a little worse for wear.

"What happened?" He asked quietly. He didn't know what time it was or why she was here or what had happened to him.

"You got shot" Mia stated, watching his reaction. "And they called me because I'm your emergency contact"

"Thank you for coming" he whispered, smiling across at Mia.

"It's not just me, Stella's here too, and so's Jared and the Jeffersonian people" Mia explained, making sure Seeley didn't get a surprise when everyone reappeared.

"Must be bad then" Seeley replied with a smile before trying to get out of bed.

"Don't" Mia said sternly, "you almost died" she continued in a softer tone. "We thought we lost you."

"Nope, still alive" Seeley stated in a joking tone, which he immediately regretted given Mia's concerned face. "When did you arrive?" He asked, patting the bed next to him. Mia sat on the bed next to him, not fully relaxed but calmer than she had been the day before.

"About 16 hours ago" Mia replied, studying the clock. "I'm not sure where everyone else is" Mia replied, looking through the windows to the almost empty seating area outside. She could only see Jared, which concerned her since she brought Stella here and didn't know where she was. She quickly jumped from the bed and ran towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Asked Seeley with a concerned tone he didn't want her to leave yet.

"To find Stella" Mia replied, sounding anxious, Cordell would kill her if she lost his precious daughter. Seeley simply nodded, watching her walk out the door and then stop next to his brother. Obviously, Jared would be lurking around since Mia arrived. The exchange seemed quick, and within a minute, Mia was walking back to his side.
"She's at your place" Mia explained before sitting back in the chair as Jared walked into the room. "Angela gave her a key"

Jared watched the two of them for a minute. He knew they'd never admit their feelings for each other, so he decided that now was his chance to try and get Mia all for himself. He, like his brother, had been fixated by her since the day they met, but he was ready to take the risk of actually asking Mia on a date.

"Now Seeley's awake, would you like to go on a breakfast date with me?" Jared asked Mia carefully, watching her reaction. She seemed shocked, then unsure, then happy. She was just about to nod her head when Seeley spoke. To Jared, the second between asking the question and Mia's almost response seemed like five minutes, but his brother's urgent voice made him realise it had been almost instantaneous.

"No" Seeley almost shouted, earning a confused look from Mia. She knew they were best friends, but that seemed like a strange reaction. She stared straight at Seeley, waiting for a response and throwing him a questioning look, which was only met by an angry glare directed at Jared. "No way" Seeley continued, staring daggers at his brother, completely ignoring Mia, who silently slipped out the door before heading to the canteen.

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