The Body

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Temperance desperately ran back into her office, nearly knocking down Mia in the process. Mia suddenly heard raised voices coming from one of the rooms. It was Angela and Temperance but Mia didn't know how to get there. Her anxiety was rising and Hodgins was still nowhere to be seen. Suddenly Temperance ran past again, also knocking Mia over for a second time. She was ready to run out that door and walk back to the apartment if she had to when a flustered Seeley appeared.

"Have you seen Brennan?" He asked Mia who simply pointed towards the room where the yelling had happened. Seeley set off at a fast pace towards the room so naturally Mia followed hoping Angela would be in there somewhere.

"Any of you seen Bones?" Seeley asked as he entered the room containing Angela, the intern and another man Mia didn't recognise. "We need to be in court now" Even from her position behind Seeley Mia could tell everyone was tense.

Angela quickly pulled up an image. Something Mia thought she would never see again and before her brain had fully processed the scene she was running out of the room towards what she hoped were the bathrooms. She could feel the bile rising in her chest. As little as she knew about this place she knew her mother's face on Angela's screen was bad. She kept running down different corridors praying there was a bathroom somewhere. Then she saw it. Relief flooded over her. The bile subsided slightly. She rushed into the room and found a stall slumping behind the door. Her knees were shaking. This wasn't how her first day as a married lady was supposed to be.

Seeley quickly put in a call to court. He too had instantly recognised that image from the one photograph Mia kept of her parents. Already he could feel the edges of the world slipping. It was going to be a difficult few weeks.

"That's Bones and Mia's mother" he said. He could feel his blood turn cold as everyone looked at him. He never imagined that they would find her. His current thought wasn't about Ruth Keenan but about her two daughters who were both hopefully somewhere in this building. Now he had to tell Bones about her younger sister.

"Bones?" Angela asked knowing right now Seeley was deciding who to go to. Angela watched as he shook his head.

"I'll get Bones, you get Mia" he said. He felt bad for Angela since she had to actually find Mia whereas he already knew where Bones would have gone. Her office. Angela simply nodded her head and walked out of the room in her search for Mia.

Angela went straight to the place where she would go if someone had just shown her the face of her dead mother. The bathroom. In this building, it was pretty much the only private place. As soon as she opened the door she could hear someone sobbing whether it was Brennan or Mia it didn't matter. One of them was here.

"Hi honey" she said into the bathroom. Whichever one it was was hiding in a stall. The sobbing stopped immediately but no one appeared so Angela did some of her detective work. She looked at the shoes. Shoes were something she was good at identifying. It was Mia. She could tell by the combat boots.

"Mia" she whispered knocking on the door which pushed it open to reveal a green-looking Mia sitting on the seat of the toilet. Angela panicked. What should she do? Quickly she decided that the obvious thing to do was to offer her a hug which slowly Mia accepted. Once Mia was upright it was easy to move her out of the stall and then out of the toilets to Angela's room where the screen was turned off. The room was better than the bathrooms and Seeley could visit her here.

Meanwhile, Seeley had found Bones sitting in her office holding a belt buckle with dolphins on it. She had tears dripping down her face. Something Booth never thought he'd see from Bones. Mia definitely but Bones never.

"I tried to borrow this once" Bones said, suddenly breaking Seeley from his thoughts of how he was going to tell Temperance that she had a sister and they were married.

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