Chapter Two

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Bri's POV

I quickly pulled my hand away from his, removing the tingles. I tried my hardest to ignore his eyes burning into the side of my head. I didn't want a mate. Well, I did, before my mom died all I wanted was to find my mate. I wanted the same love that I saw my parents possess, but after I saw how my dad got after my mother's death I was terrified. I didn't not want a mate, the whole idea just scared me immensely.

Cole's eyes returned to the front of the classroom, where the teacher was going on and on about the constitution.

My gaze slowly turned to get a better look at my mate. He was amazingly attractive. He had dark hair that contrasted with his piercing blue eyes. My eyes moved to his strong jawline and down his neck to his toned body. I could see his tense muscles through the tight shirt he was wearing. By this time I'm sure I was drooling.

"Working with the person next to you, you will be doing a project. Now before you all complain that it's only the first week of school," I ignored whatever else my teacher was about to say. The excitement was radiating off me, I would get to spend time with my mate. Even if it was just doing a project. 

"Talk with your partner and work out a plan for when you're working with them. You will not have class time. I need to know that you guys are responsible enough to make time for your grades," she said annoyed.

"So, I think we need to talk some things over," Cole spoke.

A blush rose to my cheeks as I looked away from him. "Yes, I guess we do."

"Well, as you already know, I'm Cole and I'm Alpha of the Blood Moon pack."

I didn't say anything. I just sat there like a little idiot. I couldn't find any words to  say so I decided on not talking at all. He made me feel so shy, which was really unlike me. In my old pack I was a social butterfly. I practically never shut up.

"Anyway, should we work on the project at your house or mine?" he asked.

I felt my entire face go pale. Was I really stupid enough to think that my dad would let this happen? I wouldn't be able to be with Cole. My dad would never allow it.

"Bri? Hello?" Cole's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Sorry, let's work at your house," I said quietly.

"Okay how about you meet me in the parking lot and we can drive back to my place. Unless you drove here..." he spoke.

"No, that would be great," I said with a small smile.

After a while I waited in silence for the bell to ring. It was almost painful to sit there, I felt so awkward.

I was literally saved by the bell. I gathered all my stuff and quickly made it out the door. I felt bad for just leaving my mate like that, but I was scared. Scared of what my father would do. Whether or not he's the current Alpha, he still has Alpha blood which means he's just as strong if not stronger then Cole. I didn't want anything to happen to him. I had only spoken a few words to him, and yet I already felt feelings for him.

I grabbed my schedule and looked at which class I had next and then at my school map. I had math. How lovely! (Note my sarcasm). I'm not gonna deny that I'm smart. I never had a problem in school, everything just came naturally.

I started making my way to my math class, intensely thinking about everything when I was rudely pulled out of my thoughts.

"Hey Bri, wait up," Cole called.

I stopped walking and turned to see him coming over to me.

"What class do you have next?" he asked.

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