Chapter Seventeen

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It had been one week since Bri passed out, and she still wasn't up. This kind of stuff happened way too often for my liking. I had fallen asleep in the chair next to her bed when I heard a loud scream.

I got up quickly to inspect what had happened. I followed the noise to see one of the teen girls in the pack screaming in the front yard.

"Why are you screaming?" I yelled.

"Alpha, there... I, a body," she said hysteric.

I moved off the porch to see what she meant, and what I saw made me sick to my stomach. I ran over to it quickly, making sure my eyes didn't deceive me.

"John? No, this can't be. John!" I yelled. I placed my hand on his neck, looking for any pulse, but there was none. John was dead and I knew exactly who did it. His body was bruised badly almost to a point where it was unrecognizable.


Darkness surrounded me, all I could hear was the echo of a machine beeping loudly in my ears. I wasn't sure I could feel my body, but I could feel tingles. Cole must have been near. I tried to pull my eyes open, but the bright light made them squeeze shut.

"Bri," Cole said quietly.

I opened my eyes to see him inches away from my face.

"Hi," I rasped.

"You're awake," he said smiling.

"Yeah. What happened? I just remember the intense pain, and then nothing."

"We're not sure, some of the pack doctors drew your blood and they're going to run some tests," he said, caressing my cheek.

I nodded, taking in my mates touch. He kissed my lips lightly, as if I were made of glass.

"I was so worried about you Bri, I knew we shouldn't have trained," he said.

"Hey, it was my idea and I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"How can I not worry about it Bri? It isn't normal for something like this to happen," he said, stress edged into his face.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"For what?"

"For over working myself, for being too stubborn to see that I was hurting myself."

"No Bri, you were just trying to prepare yourself, no one can blame you. Everything is fine," he said.

He had said everything was fine, but I could tell that there was still something bothering him.

"Cole, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Bri, something happened, while you were out," he said.

"Well, how long was I out for?"

"Two weeks."

"Two weeks? What the hell? Cole, what happened?" my heart rate began speeding up, fearing what he was going to say next.

"It's John."

"What? What about John, is he okay?" I asked frantically.

"He's, he's dead Bri," he whispered.

I felt as though everything had frozen. No, this couldn't be true, he can't be. I won't believe it. He was everything I had, the only family I had left and now, he was gone.

"No. Cole please tell me you're lying. Please, tell me it isn't true!" I yelled

"I'm sorry Bri," he said, pulling me into a hug.

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