Chapter Sixteen

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Fur whipped around me, circling my every movement. Bri had decided she wanted to train, day and night, building up her strength. I was proud of her, she wanted to do this and I wasn't going to stop her. 

I quickly shifted into my wolf, slowly stalking towards her. With one swift movement, she pounced on me, tackling me to the floor. Her teeth bared at my neck.

Go in for the kill, I instructed.

She then gently nibbled on my neck playfully. I got up slowly, nuzzling her body with my nose. Her wolf was so beautiful, completely white except for all for of her paws, which were speckled in black spots.

She shifted back, right in front of me. Her body a museum for wandering eyes. I growled, not liking the fact that anyone could look at my mate the way I was only supposed to look at her.

I pushed her gently onto the floor, covering her body with my wolf's. 

"What are you doing?" she laughed, poking at my belly. 

I simply licked her face, then rested my head on her neck, tucking it in behind her shoulder. 

"Cole," she said. "Cole get off me," she continued pouting. 

I simply cuddled closer to her, making sure to get more comfortable. 

She began rubbing my belly, causing my wolf to get excited. He tried to take control, but I pushed him back. 

Bri stop, you're making my wolf excited, I linked her.

"Then it's working," she said.

That was my wolf's last straw, pushing with all his strength to take over, until eventually I let him. He nuzzled her neck, taking in her scent. 

Bri continued petting my wolf's belly, exciting him further. He loved the touch of our mate, sometimes too much. The next thing I knew was going to happen, I tried with all my strength to take back control, but my wolf refused. 

He began humping Bri.

She screamed, laughing at my wolf's sudden impulse. 

"Cole," she stopped talking to laugh, "do something."

I decided not to. This is what she wanted, no matter how embarrassing it is. Finally my wolf gave in to my control, allowing me to take over.

I plopped onto Bri, licking her cheek. 

I shifted back, quickly grabbing my shorts and handing my shirt to Bri.

"The wolf wants what the wolf wants," I said.

"You're gross," she replied. 

"Tell that to my wolf, I didn't hump you," I said. 

"You could've avoided it," she laughed. She then threaded her eyebrows together and winced in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing her shoulder lightly. 

"Yeah, yeah, I just have a headache, that's all."

"Are you sure Bri, we could take you to get checked out."

"No, it's fine. I'm fine. I think I've had enough training though," she said. 

I looked at her with concern and she gave me a weak smile. She's fine, I had to continue telling myself. There's nothing wrong. 


I had been training for so long, I had finally hit my breaking point. I was exhausted and a headache carved its way into my head. 

My entire body ached from head to toe. I knew I had to continued training if I wanted to defeat my father once and for all. I would start again tomorrow, hopefully feeling less shitty than I do now.

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