Chapter Eight

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Bri's POV

"I love you," he whispered, resting his forehead on mine . "I understand if you don't feel the same way yet, but I needed to let you know that I am completely in love with you."

I didn't know how to respond. Honestly I don't love him yet, but I do have strong feelings for him.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Cole cut me off. "Don't say back if you don't mean it," he spoke barely audibly.

"Cole, I...I don't love you, but I do really really like you," I said trying to make him feel better. "I don't think I'm ready for love yet," I continued. "The only love I've felt lately is towards my brother. I've never been in love before, for all I know I could be madly in love with you and not know it."

He chuckled. "I understand, you don't have to explain yourself. I wanted you to know how I felt. I wanted to reassure you that I would never intentionally hurt you," he said looking me directly in the eyes.

For a moment they glazed over and then went back to their beautiful color.

"I have to go deal with some pack business. I don't want to leave you alone though. How about I have Savannah come over?" he questioned.

"Yeah that would be nice," I smiled. I had suffered for so long and all it took was me to let Cole help me. I felt pretty stupid for not allowing him before.

I told you, my wolf's voice entered my head.

Don't give me that, I said annoyed.

Ignoring our mate isn't going to turn out well, she replied.

No. You don't get to tell me that. You went through everything I did and then you left me in a time that I needed you most. How could you do that to me? I questioned her angrily.

You pushed away your mate, therefore pushing away me, she replied rudely.

I cut off our connection, too annoyed to listen to what she had to say.

"Bri?" I heard Savannah's quiet voice say.

"Savannah," I said jumping up hugging her. "How have you been?" I asked excitedly.

"I've been good, you?" she said then quickly regretted it. She must've known about the incident.

"I've been better, but what's in the past is in the past," I said refusing to carry my baggage anymore.

"So what do you wanna do?" she asked.

"How about we just talk," I said.

"Okay what about?" she said wiggling her eyebrow.

"Cole told me he loved me last night," I blurted out.

"He did! Who knew he had a heart?! To think of how many times he's been mean to me," she began rambling. "Did you say it back?" she questioned.

"No," I said lightly.

"Ohh, rejected," she shouted.

"Shhh, Savannah!" I scolded.

"Sorry," she said putting her head down.

"You were just joking, why are you sorry?" I chuckled.

"You're Luna now," she said pointing to my mark. "My wolf felt like she disrespected you."

I looked at her as if she was crazy. "Don't worry about it. I don't want you to act any different from how you would normally act around me. Okay?"

"Sure," she said with a smile. "Why didn't you say it back? Do you really not love him?"

"Well you see, I've never been in love. I have no idea what it even feels like. I told him that I could be madly in love with him and just not know, which is my honest feeling. I have no idea what I feel, but I do really like him."

"How does he make you feel? Every time you see him, does your stomach flutter with butterflies?" she questioned carefully.

"I don't know. You know with everything that's happened lately, I haven't really opened myself up to loving him," I said ashamed. I had not intended on bringing up what happened, but here I go.

"I understand. Don't worry, you'll know when you love him."

"How?" I questioned confused.

"You just will," she replied.

"You sound like you're experienced," I said.

"With love yes, but I haven't found my mate yet."

Cole's POV

I had just told Bri I loved her. I knew she didn't love me yet and I was okay with that. I could tell she was going to say something she didn't mean so I stopped her. "Don't say back if you don't mean it," I said quietly. It hurt, even though I accepted the fact that she didn't love me.

"Cole, I...I don't love you, but I do really really like you," she spoke. "I don't think I'm ready for love yet. The only love I've felt lately is towards my brother. I've never been in love before, for all I know I could be madly in love with you and not know it," she explained.

I chuckled at her cuteness. "I understand, you don't have to explain yourself. I wanted you to know how I felt. I wanted to reassure you that I would never intentionally hurt you," I said seriously. I needed her to know that even when I'm most angry, I would never lay a finger on her. I needed her to understand that.

Alpha, we have some info on where Bri's dad is, Noah's voice entered my mind.

I'll be there in a second, I replied cutting off out connection.

"I have to go deal with some pack business. I don't want to leave you alone though. How about I have Savannah come over?" I asked.

"Yeah that would be nice," she said smiling. It was so great to see her beautiful smile again.

I left to see what information Noah had found on my mate's father. I wanted to find him and kill him. He almost caused my mate to kill herself and I would no longer allow that monster to live, her father or not.

I went into my office where Noah was waiting. "What did you find?" I asked him.

"He's not in any of the neighboring packs, which has lead me to believe he has become rogue. Some trackers tracked him to a rogue camp that's set up just outside of the borders."

I nodded, taking all of the information in. What was he doing in a rogue camp?

Alpha, there is a man here that claims he's Bri's brother. He states that he is Alpha of Moon Tide, a wolf from border control contacted me.

Escort him to my office, I'll be waiting.

I waited for about five minutes before I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I ordered.

"Cole, it's my father. He came and attacked my pack last night. He claimed he wanted to be Alpha again," John said worried.

"Did he say anything else?" I asked concerned.

"After I refused he said that he would find a way to get a pack and that he would get Bri back."

A ferocious growl came from me. To say I was mad was an understatement. I was livid. How dare he try to take MY mate away from me? Who did he think he was?

"Did he mention what his plans were? Did he give you any hints?" I questioned.

"All he said is that he would get her back, that he has someone on the inside, feeding him information."

Another growl came out of me, one of my pack members had betrayed me. As soon as I find them, I am going to put them through living hell. They'll be begging for death after what I put them through.

"I'm going to kill who ever tries to take my mate away from me," I growled loudly.

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