Chapter Fourteen

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As I walked back into the room where Savannah and John were, I was at a stand still. Take Savannah and risk John's trust, or let her be and pretend like I don't know. In the end, she knows where my mate is and if I have to kill her to get to my mate I will. 

"John, we need to talk," I stated calmly.

John began walking over, Savannah in toe. "Alone," I growled. 

I hated the fact that my own family would betray me the way Savannah had. There's no way I would let her get away with this with out punishment. 

"What's the problem man?" John said.

"She's the insider."

"What?" he replied.

"The insider, the mole, the one who took my mate and sister," I said. 

"How do you know this?" he said protectively.

"Bri was able to mind link me shortly, she told me John. It's Savannah. And just so you know, I will do anything to get my mate that. Not you or anyone else will stand in my way, got it?" 

"I understand Cole, but you will not hurt my mate," he growled.

"As long as she cooperates, we shouldn't have any issues."

"I won't let you hurt her," he growled.

"Lose your sister, you're only family left or lose your mate. Chose carefully John," I growled walking away from him. 

I walked up to Savannah and grabbed her arm harshly. "Tell me where she is Savannah and you won't get hurt," I growled threateningly. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said urgently. She seemed convince that she really didn't know what I was talking about. I wouldn't let her trick me like she did before. 

"Savannah, you can tell me now, or I'll get it out of you the hard way." 

"Cole, what's gotten into you? I thought we were family, can't you trust me?" she said innocently.

"Yeah Savannah, we're family, that's what I thought at least until you betrayed me," I said, trying to contain my anger. 

I dragged her away from staring eyes and took her to the only place I knew where to take those who betray me, the cells. I roughly threw her in and locked the door behind me. 

"Until you tell me where my mate is Savannah, you're not going anywhere. Chose wisely Savannah, or it might just be your mate for mine," I growled. 

"You wouldn't kill him Cole, we both know that," she laughed evilly. 

"You don't know what I'm capable of doing for my make," I said turning my back and walking away from her. 

"You'll regret this Cole, I know you will," she yelled as I closed the door loudly, ending our conversation before I did something I would actually regret. 


Weeks, months, maybe even years felt like they've passed. Without Cole here, I found myself unable to sleep most nights and lonely through most of the day. Most nights I do get sleep, I find myself screaming awake remembering the terrible things that happened during the day. I've been abused and violated multiple times. Not getting into complete detail of what I've been through. 

I don't eat, fearing there's something they've put in my food. I'm sure I've lost tons of weight, to an unhealthy point. My strength has gone down considerably. 

"Bri my darling, you have to eat, I don't want you dying on me," the monster laughed. 

"Like you care," I growled. 

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