Chapter Nine

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Bri's POV

Cole suddenly barged into the room. "Leave Savannah," he commanded. 

Savannah quickly stumbled to her feet and left in a heartbeat.

"What's wrong with you? You didn't have to ask her to leave like that," I said slightly mad. 

Before I could continue Cole smash his lips to mine. Sparks fluttered across my lips making me moan. I rested my hands on Cole's strong shoulders and pushed myself closer to him. He grabbed my hips, dragging me impossibly closer to him.

"Cole," I moaned out. His lips trailed down my neck to my mark. "Cole, you need to stop," I said with more authority. His lips ripped away from my neck taking the tingles with them. 

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Cole, what's wrong?" I questioned. Something wasn't right and I knew it.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush or sugar coat it, so here goes nothing. Your father wants you back and he's said to be making a pack to help get you," he growled. 

I stayed silent, unable to comprehend the words my mate has spoken. Here I was, thinking my life would become rainbows and lollipops once my father was out of the picture. I had finally let go, my life was supposed to get better. Now I'm going to constantly worry that every time I close my eyes he'll get me. 

I felt a single tear fall down my cheek. No. I will not let myself cry over that monster, too many tears have been spilled and I will not let him win.  "What are we gonna do?" I croaked. 

"I'm going to find that fucker and I'm going to kill him," he growled. 

"No Cole, you can't. I know he's done some bad things, but that doesn't change the fact that he's my father and he raised me," I begged.

"Bri, I'm sorry, but this isn't up for debate. Even if you hate me for it, it's for your own safety," Cole said. 

I nodded. He was right, as much as I didn't want to admit it. "Okay," I said breathlessly. 

He looked at me with his now dark midnight blue eyes. "You also will not leave my side. Your brother told me that your father claimed he has someone from our pack feeding him information," he growled out once more.

"What does that mean? What are we going to do?" I asked hopelessly. 

"We need to figure out who it is, and they will be punished with death." The anger was clear in his eyes, as was it in mine. One of our pack members had betrayed us. "The only problem is I don't know how we are going to figure out how to find them," he complained.

"I have an idea," I blurted out. 


"No," he growled. "Absolutely not. I will not let you do something that stupid," he continued. 

"Cole it's the only way," I pleaded.

"Do you have a death wish?" he yelled at me. 

"Cole I don't care about me! I will do this for the pack. I will put my life at risk to ensure the safety of the pack, you out all people I thought you would understand!" I yelled.

"It's you who doesn't understand!" he yelled. "It's your safety that needs protecting. You're my mate and you come first. Don't you see, that without you, there would be no pack," he said barely audible. 

"Stop being so dramatic. I've been through hell and I'm still willing to do this because I know it's the right thing. I will not let our pack member die because of me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I possible took someone away from their mate or family. I can't see that happen. Not again, not ever," a small tear streamed down my cheek. "Besides, it's not like I'm handing myself over. It's just a set up to find out who's betrayed us." 

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