Chapter Six

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Bri's POV

"You don't need to apologize, no one is at fault," Cole said.

"I know, I just feel terrible."

"Bri, it's understandable that you reacted that way," he soothed.

I looked away from him and continued walking until we reached the dining room. I looked at Cole's father to see a very apologetic look on his face.

"Brianna, I'd like to apologize for frightening you, I understand why you did it. Please don't be unhappy with yourself," Jay said.

I nodded and smiled at him. I didn't notice how much Cole looked like him before. They had the same strong features and blue eyes.

"Please, everyone sit and we can begin dinner," Erin spoke.

We all took our seats and dinner was served. The lasagna was absolutely amazing.

"Erin, this lasagna is amazing," I complimented.

"Thank you! I worked on it all day," she smiled.

After dinner was finished I entered the kitchen and tried to help Erin clean the dished.

"Oh no you don't. Got spend time with your mate, no cleaning," Erin stopped me.

"Oh I really don't mind," I replied.

"Well I do," she said shooing me out of the kitchen.

"Caught trying to clean I see," Cole chuckled.

"I thought it was the least I could do," I giggled in response.

Cole grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap to sit.

"So Johnny, how are things going back at the pack?" I questioned.

"Fine I guess, but it's been tough. We had another funeral for mom, a real one. Not what dad called a funeral. The whole pack came and payed their respects, it was a tough day for the pack," he said sadly.

"Any leads on the rogues that killed her?" I choked out.

"None so far, but I won't stop looking until we find and kill them. I promise you that," he said looking me in the eyes. A small smile made it's way to his face. "Your eyes still shine bright like hers did," he said chuckling.

I smiled at him. To my dad, it was terrible for me to bring memories up, but it made me happy my brother appreciated my eyes. I no longer had to worry about being beaten if I looked someone in the eyes.

"How have you been?" I asked concerned. He definitely didn't look like the same man he was before.

"In all honestly, pretty depressed. I thought I had lost you too Bri," he sighed.

"You didn't though. I'm right here and I'm safe now," I said looking at Cole.

We spent some time just talking. It was probably one of the best times I've spent with my brother.

"Well, it's getting pretty late. I think it's time we get to bed," Cole said. "John, you're welcome to spend the night here and leave tomorrow," Cole offered.

"That'd be nice. Thank you," Johnny responded.

"Come on," Cole said leading me up to his room.

As soon as we reached his room I grabbed a big tee from his closet and went into the bathroom to change into it. Even though I had my own clothes now, Cole's were much more comfy and warm.

I walked out of the bathroom and was instantly pinned against the wall.

"You look so hot in my clothes," he growled.

Before I had time to respond his lips slammed on mine. He grabbed my butt and lifted me up, using the wall as support. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he stumbled over to the bed, tossing me down. His lips once again crashed on mine. Deepening the kiss I opened my mouth and Cole's tongue fought with mine. Our lips separated letting each of us gather our breath. Cole's mouth soon met with my cheek and slowly moved to my jaw. He then moved on to kiss where my neck and collarbone met, where he's supposed to mark me. A sudden flash of my father kissing the same place entered my mind. Then came the feeling of him groping me.

"STOP! STOP PLEASE STOP!" I screamed. I couldn't get the image of my father out of my head. My body began thrashing around. Tears spilled from my eyes.

"Bri! Bri I stopped. Please stop crying!" I heard him scream. No matter how much I wanted to believe him the tears still leaked. I cried hysterically.

"You're a monster!" I screamed. Finally calming down I opened my eyes and realized that Cole was here not my father. "Cole I'm so sorry," I cried out. "I...I...I don't know what happened. One moment you were here and then all of a sudden you were my father," I continued to cry.

"Shhh, it's okay," his arm wrapped carefully around my wait as he pulled me into his embrace.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I continued to repeat. The flashes of my father still racing through my mind.

I got up and ran. I needed to clear my head, to let my wolf out. I ran out of the house still crying. I shifted into my wolf and bolted. I let the wind blow through my fur as my paws carried me where ever they lead me. I picked up the pace and continued to run.

Bri you need to stop, a voice entered my mind. Instantly I knew it was Cole. It was the first time he'd ever mind linked me. I ignored his voice and pushed away our connection. I needed this time for just me.

We shouldn't ignore our mate, my wolf urged.

Just because we shouldn't, doesn't mean we can't, I replied. She didn't reply, but I could feel how she was on edge.

Cole's presents continued to try to break through my mental wall. Finally I gave in.

Bri, you need to stop running. You're going to leave the territory if you don't, his voice entered my mind once again. I stopped and fell onto the grass in defeat. I guess my father would never stop haunting me, no matter who I was with. I shifted back and laid naked in the grass not caring.

I heard a loud growl that I knew had come from Cole. I turned to see him and about five other wolves. I realized I was laying naked in front of five other men and a blush rose to my cheeks.

Cole shifted back and slipped on a pair of shorts. "Look away," he growled possessively. He said it with so much authority, no bout an order.

I whimpered as he got closer, scared he would be mad at me. I was terrified that he would lose control and my life would go back to the hell it was before Cole.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said, his words laced with anger.

He approached me and I recoiled back. "Bri please," he said sadly. I was frantic. It was like my father was standing in front of me once again.

"Please help me," I cried desperately.

"I will Bri, I will. Let me help you," he spoke softly.

He came closer once more, this time I didn't move away. He gently pulled a large T-shirt over my body. He picked me up and held me. The only thing was I was too far gone to be fixed. I was like the vase that you accidentally shattered, pieces too broken to be glued back together.

I am pathetic, not worthy of such treatment.

I deserved every hit from my father.

I am broken, too far gone to ever be fixed.

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