Chapter Eleven

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"Cole I think you should be checked out," I said caressing his cheek lightly. 

"I'm fine, I promise baby," he said returning my embrace. 

"I just worry about you," I whisper.

"And I you."

"I love you," I say breathlessly. 

"Say it again," he said looking me in the eyes. 

"I love you." His eyes darkened from their usual blue to royal blue.

"Again," he growled. 

"I love you Cole, so much." 

A low rumble erupted from him in approval. 

"I love you too," he said pecking my cheek. 

I crawled off his lap and moved back into my seat. 

"Now let's go to this dinner date you've been planning," I say determined to not let my dress go to waste. 

"Sure thing babe," he said winking. 

We soon arrived at the restaurant that Cole planned our date at.

As we entered, I noticed its fancy interior and expensive looking, well everything. 

"Cole Payne." Cole spoke to the woman behind the counter. 

"Right this way Mr. Payne," she said before grabbing two menus and leading us to our table. 

Our table was in a private room. Two candles were lit and there were rose pedals spread upon the table. 

"Cole, this is beautiful," I say in awe.

"Not as beautiful as you," he says.

"You're a dork," I chuckled at his lame compliment. 

"I know, but it takes a dork to know a dork," he said winking. 

"There you you go with the winking again! Seriously Cole I'm staring to think there's something stuck in your eye," I laughed. 

His laughter filled the room, sending chills down my spine. I loved every part of his laugh and the goofy smile that graced his face afterward. 

I admired the was his eyes crinkled the tiniest bit and his broad shoulders shook every time he laughs.

"After you milady," he said in a mock British accent. 

"Why thank you my gentleman," I said playing along. 

He pulled out my chair for me to sit in and pushed it in.

I smiled at him, loving the way he was treating me like royalty. 

"You know, I could get used to this. Now all I need is a foot rub," I smirked.

"I'll handle that when we get home my dear," he said winking again.

"Cole, come here, let me check your eye," I said jokingly.

To my surprise, he he scooted his chair close and put his face near mine, ready for inspecting. 

I giggled at his silliness. "Hmm, well it appears there's nothing wrong with your eye."

"Then I guess there's nothing wrong with it Doc," he said winking again.

"No no no, you see I just saw something." 

"Impossible," he laughed. 

I then pecked him on the cheek, then on the nose and continuously showered him in kisses.

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