Chapter Four

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Bri's POV

I sat there awkwardly waiting for Cole to come back with some clothes. A few minutes later he returned and handed me the clothes.

"Go change. I'll be waiting here, then maybe we could talk," he said calmly.

I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I knew he would want to talk about my dad, but that's something I'm just not ready to do yet.

Putting on the clothes I began to wonder who's they were. It was a silly question but I was weirdly very curious. I think part of me worried that they were from a girl he had previously been with, but I pushed that thought away the best I could.

I walked out of the bathroom, "Who's clothes are these?" I questioned.

"They're Savannah's," he replied calmly.

My face said it all, I was jealous of her for no reason. For all I know she did nothing, but I still felt disappointed.

"Savannah's my cousin," he spoke almost reading my mind.

A wave of relief hit me. I knew that I was being stupid.

"Can we talk?" he questioned.

My heart began to speed up. I don't want to talk about that monster, why can't what's in the past be left in the past?

"If you want to talk about him, I'm not sure I can," I replied honestly.

"Bri, you're never gonna get over what you went through until you talk about it. Let me help you, please."

He was right, but I couldn't bring myself to talk about him.

"I don't think I'm ready yet."

"Please Bri, the sooner you talk about him the sooner you can forget about him and finally live."

Again he was right. "Okay," I said in defeat.

"How long?" he questioned. "How long had he been doing those things to you?" he said holding his hands in fists. This was just as hard for him, he didn't want to hear about his mate being harmed.

"The day after my mom's funeral. It was right after he told me we were leaving our pack to come to yours. I asked if I could stay with
my brother, he was furious. He went off at me telling me I was a disgrace and that I didn't deserve to be in our pack. After that he abused me, to a point where I was begging him to just end it for me. That was the worst, until yesterday."

"He didn't, rape you. Right?" he said, his knuckles becoming white.

I swallowed hard. "No, last night was the closest he's been. I never thought he would go that far."

I could see Cole was trying to stay calm, it wasn't working very well.

Comfort him, he needs it, my wolf said.

I moved my hand to connect with his. His eyes shot open, revealing the once icy blue eyes now a royal blue color.

"It's over now," I whispered, not believing it is even over.

"I know, I just can't believe that bastard would do such terrible things to his own fucking daughter," he growled.

I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, holding him close. I could stay like this forever, engulfed in his scent. His arms wrapped around me carefully, almost as if he was trying not to break me.

"I'm not made of glass you know," I spoke softly.

"I just don't want to hurt you," he sighed.

I stayed there in his embrace for a while. 

"Thank you," I whispered quietly.

"For what?" he questioned.

"For saving me. Who knows what else he could've done."

"I only did what any person would do for their mate."

I pulled away from him and his eyes met with mine. Our faces slowly inched closer and our lips met. Sparks flew from my lips to his, fitting perfectly together. It was like everything that was happening around me had stopped, it was just me and him.

Our lips finally pulled apart. I sighed in contentment feeling safe in my mates embrace.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" I questioned.

"Well, I think we should get your stuff and move them in here. Then we'll see what happens after that."

I nodded in agreement. Cole took my hand and lead me to his car. I got in and we drove off to my house to gather my things.

Once we arrived I felt a chill crawl up my spine. This place just made me remember all the things I was trying to let go of.

"It's okay, we'll only be here for a little bit. I won't leave your side," Cole said soothingly.

We entered the house, it was completely trashed. It wasn't this bad before was it? There was a scent that I didn't recognize as my father's or my own, however it did seem very familiar. I followed the scent walking away from Cole. Who was here? I followed the scent until it lead to my room, the door was closed.

My hand slowly reached out to open the door, fear was overwhelming me with each inch my hand got closer to the handle. I grabbed the handle and opened the door, bracing myself for who ever was inside.

There was a man sitting on my bed, his eyes boring into a picture of me.

"Why?" he spoke. "Why was I so stupid? I could've saved you Bri, I could've helped you. Why didn't I?" he sobbed.

"Johnny?" I questioned the man. I had always called him that, I was the only one.

His head quickly snapped in my direction, his red eyes meeting with mine.

"Bri!" he ran over to me and hugged me.

I let out a pained yelp. It all happened so fast. Johnny was yanked away from me and I was then pushed back. Cole stood protectively between my brother and I. He had Johnny pinned against that wall, growling viciously.

"Cole," I pulled his arm back. "Cole it's okay. It's my brother," I yelled at him trying to pull him away from Johnny.

Cole's hold on my brother released as he turned and looked to me. Instantly his dark midnight eyes softened back to their normal color.

"I'm sorry," he said pulling me into his embrace.

My brother coughed awkwardly trying to get my attention.

"Johnny, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be running the pack?" I questioned.

"I felt bad Bri, I should've never let him take you, even if it killed me in the process."

"Don't say that. If he killed you, I would've truly had no one left," I said. Cole shifted uncomfortably as I said that. I could see the slight hurt in his eyes.

"What happened here?" John asked me.

"Cole happened I guess," I said gesturing to my mate. "Johnny, this is Cole. My mate."

"Thanking you for getting her away from the monster that is our father," Johnny said shaking Cole's hand.

"It was what any man would do for his mate," Cole said, mocking his own words that he had said to me not so long ago.

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