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"Are all the fragile objects hidden?" Charles asked me from the other end of the room.

Charles did not waste any time after post race press conference to get us back home to prepare for the after party he was hosting for the drivers and a few others. He made sure that the house was spotless and clean. Any fragile looking object was now stashed away in the drawers or the shelves around the house. Food and drinks were already sorted by a catering company.

"Yes Charles, they are. You should stop worrying and go change." I said.

We didn't really have much time in between podium celebration, press conference and post race interviews. Charles had won his home grand prix today for the first time in his career. He finally broke the Monaco curse and he hadn't really had time to properly celebrate besides the podium.

"We will celebrate it tonight. We need to clean now." He said.

"Well, you do too." Charles commented as he came up to me, "Thank you for helping, Sol."

"It would be rude if I didn't." I joked, "Happy to help. I enjoyed Monaco, thanks for taking me around."

Charles gave me a smile and shoved me towards the hallway, telling me to change. I was so reluctant to spend my time in Monaco with him, given the circumstances. I went with no expectations besides everything could go wrong and I will be running to Lando's. But everything went well, from karting with Charles to dinner with the royal family to the grand prix itself.
The doorbell rang while I reapplied my mascara.

"I think that's George! Can you open the door?" Charles shouted.

Of course George Russell would be the type of person who rocks up early to a party.

"No! I'm changing!" I yelled back, trying to zip my black cotton cut out dress, "Fucking 21 and couldn't even zip a fucking dress." I cussed, getting frustrated.

"I can help." Charles offered, standing outside the guest bathroom I have been using for the past week. He was wearing white t-shirt, black ripped jeans and sneakers.

I stumbled backwards, surprised by his presence as I realized that I didn't close the bathroom door. I hate how I get scared easily. "Isn't George outside?"

Charles shrugged, "He can wait. May I?"

I nodded, turning my back on him, pushing my hair to the side allowing him to zip my dress up. His fingers grazed my back, zipping my dress slowly, his warm breath against my back.

"Pretty." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

I turned around to see him and the doorbell rang again. Clearing my throat, "Think George is getting impatient now."

Charles rolled his eyes jokingly and walked away, leaving me to do my final touches. I heard the door opening, greeted by George's voice.

"Brought gifts!" George exclaimed, "Congratulations mate, great race today!"

"Thank you, thank you. Good race for you too no? P5?" Charles said, "And thank you for these pizza rolls!"

"Yeah P5. Don't stress about the rolls, just a small thing. But home race win, been a long time coming for you!" George dismissed as I stepped out of the bathroom, making my way to the living room. "Oh! Didn't know that Soleil was staying with you."

I smiled awkwardly, "Hey George."

"Hey again, Soleil." He greeted, giving me a hug.

Pierre was the second person to arrive, with Arthur and Carla. Pierre's girlfriend Kika couldn't make it due to having work commitments, resulting her to fly out the moment the race ended. Lando and Lissie was next, and I rushed to the door to give them a hug.

PR Disaster - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now