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"I still can't believe you blurted out Alex's wedding on live TV," I said before sipping my Caipirinha while tanning by the beach.

"For the last time, Sol, I forgot we were meant to keep it hush hush!" Charles defended in frustration, "At least we're still allowed to come."

"I mean, if someone is uninvited, it would be you not me because you're the one who said it."

"But you're my supposed girlfriend, so you're guilty by association." He had a smug look on his face when he said that.

"Stop trying to make yourself feel better."

"Stop making me feel bad!"

I laughed. There was no doubt that I was enjoying pushing Charles' buttons. We were three days into the summer break, mom had left with Aunt Cisca to Bora Bora. They sent a selfie at the airport to the group chat consisting only the Norris family, mom and I. I pretty much got the dates wrong and didn't realize they were going the day after the Belgian Grand Prix. I came home to an empty house. But I finally had the courage to ask Charles to come to Brazil after the whole post race interview fiasco.

Charles fully sprinted to Alex as Alex speed walked his way to Aston Martin's hospitality unit. Alex told me that Charles was apologizing the whole way, even when they stepped inside the building. Charles pretty much missed his podium celebration, Nicholas accepted the trophy for Charles. Nicholas quickly stepped away from 1st and stood beside Carlos as they got ready for the champagne sprays. Carlos and Nicholas brought the trophies down instead of Charles and Carlos. After the awkward podium, Arthur and I hung around the entrance of Aston Martin's unit. Arthur was simply curious of the outcome while I was shitting myself because I did not want to get blacklisted from the wedding. Especially it wasn't because of my own doing. Lando and Carlos walked past us and decided to stay. Their actions gave me flashbacks on when Lando confronted Charles in his driver's room for going on a date with Geneva.

I covered my nose, "God, you guys smell bad."

"It's the smell of victory, Soleil, get used to it." Lando shot back, pretending to push the smell towards me and I pretended to fan it away.

"What do you think is Alex saying to Charles?" Arthur asked.

"Profanities, Arthur. Definitely profanities." Lando answered.

"Lily's probably not happy." Carlos added.

"Who would be in this scenario?" I asked rhetorically.

Around half an hour later, Charles and Alex walked out of Aston Martin's hospitality unit. Lando, Carlos, Arthur and I gave each other a look before looking at them two, looking like 4 kids waiting to be picked up by their parents from school.

"It's sorted, guys." Alex declared, "They don't know where we're having the wedding, so I think it's all good. Charles is still invited."

Lily stepped out of the door, "Charles I swear if you drop them the location or anything else-"

"I cannot come. I know. You are very clear about that," Charles finished, "I'm really sorry, Lily."

She was enjoying this moment. She was still a bit mad, they both were but they decided to torture Charles with this.

I felt bad that I got mom's travel dates wrong. Charles pretty much flew back to Monaco to do his laundry and repack and flew out to São Paulo the next day. I texted him that mom was away for a week but he had book his flight. I told him to just reschedule and that I would cover the fees, but he insisted to still come and just spend more time in Brazil before flying out to Thailand for Alex and Lily's wedding.

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