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We arrived at our villa and I scurried off the golf cart, only to remember that Charles has the room key. I crossed my arms and stood in front of the door. Charles turned off the golf cart and walked up to stand next to me.

He reached his arm out but quickly retracted, "I'm sorry, Sol. Can we talk?"

"No. We'll talk inside."

"No," He countered, "We'll talk here because I know you're going to run the moment you get inside."

"What if people can hear us?"

"It's literally one thirty in the morning, in a villa resort."

Charles was very adamant that we need to sort this out outside. Luckily we're in Thailand and not the Swiss Alps. The night breeze was honestly nice.

"Fine," I huffed, "Then talk."

His face softened, "I'm sorry I ruined your night. And for yelling at you. That was uncalled for."

"Okay forgiven, now can you unlock the door?" I dismissed.

He grabbed my arm, "No, there's something else." I didn't say a word, telling him to go on. "Sol, I know we're simply just a PR relationship but," His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb softly caressing. My heart was beating faster, realizing where this conversation was going, "For me at least, whatever we are means more than just a stunt. I think it has always been."

It felt like my heart has stopped, heat creeping up my cheeks, "What do you mean?"

"I've had a crush on you for the longest time, ever since I saw you at karting races, supporting Lando. Then when you started coming less frequently, I told myself it was just a silly crush. But you really had to take college up in the UK and come back a lot more."

Another silence.

"What I'm saying is Soleil, I have feelings for you. I care about you, I don't think I've ever stopped since I introduced myself to you that day before my karting race, even when you disliked me for all those years. And I feel that I should let you know, because I can only deny it for so long until I have to come to terms with it. I don't know if you feel the same-"

I cut him off, "I do." Charles' eyes widened with delight and his arms went around my waist to pull me into him.

"You do?"

It felt like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder. All the days I tried denying my feelings for Charles, or simply processing that I have feelings, or just talking and asking advice from Lissie, Lando and Carlos earlier today came down to this point. As much as I hate it, they were right. "I do feel the same, Charles."

He placed a soft kiss on my lips, "Oh thank fuck. I already prepared what I would be saying if you didn't."

Laughter escaped my mouth, "Did you really do that?"

"Yes, chérie, I did. I asked Pierre to help me out on this."

My heart melted a bit, "What? On the rejection script?"

Then it was his turn to laugh, "Yes, the rejection script."

"Now can we go inside?"

Charles started smiling, "One more question."

"Go on."

"Does this mean you're officially mine?"

I beamed at him, "I'm all yours, Charles."

He didn't waste any second on kissing me, walking us to the door as he unlocked it, not breaking the kiss. His hands went under his jersey I was wearing as soon as he closed the door behind us. The kiss was different this time, it felt special, more meaningful than our previous ones. Charles lifted me up bridal style, walking us up the stairs towards our bed. He threw me on the bed gently and climbed on top of me, lust circling his eyes. I smirked as I pull him in for a kiss, we both knew where this night was going.

PR Disaster - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now