3: Infallible Luck

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Zhan drove through the scenic countryside road of Gusu. 'Too far.' His forehead is creased as usual, dark orbs unanimated and cold. Even the picturesque greeneries and mountains of Gusu was not appealing to this alpha's taste.

He had arrived in China two days ago and his China-based assistant Wen Ning was still no-show after being summoned twice. Thus, he had come a long way himself. He had nothing to do in the next five days anyway. He was bored like this after being forced to take a week off after successfully completing a partnership deal with the largest German IT company there is.

Vacation is not actually existent in Wei Zhan's vocabulary. Especially a vacation in f*cking China. He had not stepped in his homeland in the last four years. But that dream... Zhan's hand on the steering wheel turned white from his tight grip. It is as if he was strangling someone to death by the way he squeezes the object.

'F*cking Lan Yibo.' Just the name itself is already a curse word for him.

Zhan hated the man to the core of his pit-less resentment. 'What an ingrate!' He had clothed, homed, fed, schooled the b*stard and he had ran away and disappeared as he pleased! Zhan was irked not because he cared for him, but the ungrateful brat was just untraceable! He had hidden well under Zhan's nose. Even commissioned private detectives don't get a whiff of where the *sshole had hidden himself. It was such an insult to Zhan's power and authority. His ego was marred by the juvenile smart*ss 17 years old Beta he had reared!

The great Dominant Alpha couldn't even get a hold of this rat! If he sees him again, he will surely break all his bones and dig a grave for the little sh*t himself!

Zhan breathed heavily as his car tires screeched and halted at the least densely populated remote market he had ever been! He can count the shops, or should he say stalls, with his fingers. And bet the crickets he was hearing when he rolled down his car's window were greater in quantity than the people walking on its almost empty streets.

Clicking his tongue, Zhan stepped out of his car. He is already there anyway, what is there to lose?

Everyone seemed to eye his direction when he shut his car's door and wondered what the hell a young man clothed in pure black three-piece suit was doing in their town. Is he lost or is he lost?

Zhan's jaw tightened, hating the cobbled streets beneath his dress shoes, the onlookers who seemingly started to gossip about him, the sun that was scorching hot, and a lot more. He checked the GPS on his phone, wanting to crush it to dust when it told him there was no connection. 'No signal?!' He couldn't believe a place exist in this modern era where no phone service can reach! He realised, maybe that's why Wen Ning has not responded to him. He might not have actually received his voice mails!

Marching on, Zhan tried his luck. He wouldn't stoop so low as to ask for directions. His instinct is quite accurate, he was confident finding Wen's residence in this small town was easy-peasy.

Impressively, his good luck was really infallible. 

He did not see Wen Ning or any of the Wen's. Not at that moment at least. But he saw something more incredibly amusing than seeing his right-hand man.

Zhan's lips curled into a lop-sided smirk. His smile, wicked.



What did Zhan see? Or who was it?


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