14: Suppressants

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Yibo confessed to himself at that time, he will wait.

He had received no such warmth from Zhan before, but now, he was draped by his alpha's coat, suffused by Zhan's woody pheromones for comfort, and said to wait for his alpha's return. 

He is Zhan's omega after all. He is Zhan-ge's Bo-di after all. He can't help it, he thought as he felt his ears heat up.

Time was quick to pass but Yibo didn't notice it at all. When Zhan asked him to wait, Yibo stood there by the hotel lobby patiently looking forward to Zhan's little generosities. He didn't know almost an hour had gone by since Zhan had dashed off to get his car.

Unexpectedly, a familiar car stopped underneath the stairs where Yibo stood, a familiar man rushed to him with an umbrella on hand. 


it wasn't Zhan.

"Mr. Lan!" Wen Ning was ever so formal with him even after all these years of taking him in with his little Wen family.

Yibo pressed his lips together, hiding his disappointment. He mocked himself again, how he had hoped only for this to be crushed by Zhan so easily. Where is he? Yibo wanted to ask but felt that he had no reason to ask. "Let's go home, Ning-xiong."

Yibo merely took two slow steps towards Wen Ning's vehicle when the latter came to his front, levelling his tall frame on Yibo's level. Worry was written on Ning's face. "Where is Mr. Wei?"

Yibo couldn't even blink to process Wen Ning's query. With shaky voice and trembling hands, Yibo gripped Ning's shoulder and fired away, "W-What do you mean? Did he n-not send you here?"

"He did." The secretary promptly replied and added quickly, "I received a voice message while driving around town trying to find you." Wen Ning only received an address from Zhan's number though. It was only a few seconds recording and Zhan's voice doesn't seem right. It was a little breathless, a little agitated, a little tight. As if he is in a r..! 

The two's gaze met, eyes widely open, thoughts syncing as Yibo's remaining calmness finally dissipate completely.

In mixed despair and urgency, Yibo ran fast to the parking lot. Ning followed him and both scanned each corner, each vehicle, each nook trying to locate Zhan.

Almost feeling hopeless, Yibo stopped and closed his misty eyes. He breathed Zhan's scent and focused tracing remnants of it. When his eyes opened, his mind was clear and his focus was down in one place. The omega knew where his alpha is.

"Ning-xiong!" He called out for help as he pried open a locked car where Zhan laid motionless at the driver's seat. "Zhan-ge!" Yibo banged at the door to wake his Gege up but the other wasn't responding at all. Grief crushed Yibo fully when he saw an injection of suppressant clutched in Zhan's hand. He totally lost composure when he saw there was two more that had fallen on the floor just besides Zhan's feet. All used. Overdosed.

Yibo knelt where he once stood. He couldn't bear to see Zhan like this.



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