16: Refreshing and Innocent

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It took two days for Zhan to wake up and the first thing he saw, disappointingly, was a nagging doctor Xing Chen telling him he overdosed, that it isn't right, that he should take care of his health better, that his suppressant supply will be reduced from now on, and so on.

Zhan had barely opened his eyes and his head is still spinning, and here goes a lecture of a lifetime worth. If he had regained his strength too, he would make sure this doctor was gone as soon as his mouth start saying his first word.

Once the passionate doctor left, Zhan pulled the oxygen mask off his face. God, his head is throbbing now from all those lectures. He massaged his temples and squeezed his eyes first, then roam them around the room finding a particular someone.

Whom he found was his secretary, squinting his eyes on him. "You overdosed." Zhan wanted to roll his eyes. He was so done with this phrase.

Zhan felt Ning's upcoming interrogation, but this time he was witty enough to distract the secretary away from the topic. "Where is Yibo?" He deliberately interrupted.

Apparently, it worked. Wen Ning grinned at him with full sets of teeth. "I'm glad you asked! He's been waiting for you to regain consciousness for two days!"

Zhan's brow frowned. Deep in thoughts, he was grumbling, then where is he?

Ning was quick to catch though. He had worked with Zhan long enough to interpret every twitch of his employer's brow. Thus, Ning jumped up from his seat, "I'll go get him. He's waiting outside."

It was amazing how Zhan seemed to regain all his energy back knowing Yibo was nearby. He was on his feet in a split second and was even first to reach the door of his room.

With pounding heart he slid his door open and scan his surroundings in anticipation.


Zhan's knees went jelly when he heard the soft voice. He snapped his head to the side and found Yibo seating on the uncomfortable-looking waiting chair outside his room. Had he really waited for me like this? For two days straight? Even Zhan's heart turned mushy. He plopped himself at the space besides Yibo and helped himself to lean on the younger's shoulder.

Zhan just wanted to stay like this.

"I-I'm glad you finally woke up, Ge." Yibo's tone was like a whisper. Were these words meant to be a secret? Zhan just felt unbelievably happy at the moment.

But something was amiss.

Zhan sniffed purposely this time. He thought it was all a dream because he couldn't smell Yibo's scent. Then his heart drummed in horror. Did he lose his sense of smell?

He lifted his head up. Scanning Yibo's face. Studying the enthralling beauty of the younger. Staring at the prettiest irises he had ever seen. Were these all just a dream? But it looks so real.

"I can't smell you." Zhan narrated in a constrained tone.

Yibo blinked and lowered down his eyes. He focused on his fingers, fidgeting on his thumbs. "It's---I--" He paused and pursed his lips. His nape to ears turning bright red as he ultimately gave in, "I sprayed scent blockers, Ge." He had blamed himself keenly to what had happened to Zhan. He might be partly to blame. He was the one who might have triggered Zhan's rut, as per the doctor's claim.

Yibo faintly glanced at Zhan again when the alpha didn't say anything. He caught the older's smouldering gaze--a little angry, seemingly annoyed. And the young omega couldn't help but be tugged by guilt once more. "I'm sorry, Zhan-ge."

The awkwardness between the two intensified. Or so, Yibo believed. In front of Zhan, he was always helpless and clueless. He does not want to upset his Ge, yet he does not know how to act properly in front him too. Like a clown, juggling with all the wrong things. That's Yibo for you.

Zhan's sigh caused Yibo to shrink in place. "Crying and apologising. I really don't know what to do with you, Bo-di." Zhan casually said with his laidback voice. But the gentleness with the two-syllable endearment made Yibo whisk his head back to him. 

He was greeted with a smirk. The kind of handsome smirk that definitely pierced through the poor omega's defenses. Yibo wanted to open his mouth and say something, but found himself tongue-tied when Zhan beat him to it. "I like your scent, Bo-di. Refreshing and innocent. Can't you not use those blockers again? For me?"



Stop playing with fire Zhan!

So, I will be away and will be back end of next week.

Therefore, I might NOT be able to update 'til then.

So, here is my temporary goodbye short update. Ciao.


P.S. please don't forget to VOTE 🥺

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