28: Love (End)

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The little boy huddled outside the bedroom door, guarding and taking charge of protecting his Papa as what he has been instructed by his Dad.

He wiped his tears and jumped up as soon as he saw his Dad swiftly coming to him. Relief passed through Su-er and he grabbed Zhan's leg and hugged him crying buckets.

"Good boy. You did well, A-Su." Zhan patted Su-er's head and reassured, "Papa is fine and he will be better. I promise." Su-er is still too young to understand the situation, but his trust in his Dad's words was quite great that it had put him immediately at ease. He then watched as his Dad entered the room while his tiny hand was taken by his Han-ge. "Shall we make cookies for your Papa?"

'Umn!' The little guy naively agreed briskly ushering his Han-ge to the kitchen.


Whereas on the other side of that door, an intense scent hit Zhan as soon as he had entered. It was quite overpowering blurring his wits and reasoning. He vigorously shook his head, clearing his mind, focusing on what he must do rather than be controlled by lustful desires. Just thinking of the last four years of being apart from Yibo during his heat cycles, Zhan can guess the torture it must have been like. Zhan's stomach tightened up in guilt.

As he approached the bed, the curled up figure made Zhan's canines grit. Yibo was almost half-naked, shirt buttons opened exposing his jade skin. And in his hands, in his embrace, were Zhan's clothes.

Yibo was nesting, sniffing Zhan's remnant smell from those fabrics.

Zhan growled silently. His Alpha instincts kicking in, wanting to tear Yibo's clothes away, savour his skin and claim his Omega.

But Zhan fought this animalistic impulse. He endured his thirst and slowly approach his cherished one with calculated movements.

The bed dipped with his weight and Yibo's unfocused gaze regarded his company.

There was deep redness in the Omega's cheeks. Some exposed skin glistening with sweat while his dark brown hair clung to his forehead. Zhan's body stiffened and he choked out a breath with the glorious sight.

Yibo's cycle has always been irregular so he couldn't really guess when it would be coming. That morning wasn't an exception. He thought it was only a normal day, just feeling gloomy that Zhan will be away for a few days. But as the hours passed, his body temperature slowly raised and he was losing control of the pheromones eminating from his body.

Before it was too late for anyone to notice, he ran into Zhan's room and built a nest for himself.

The moment he inhaled Zhan's pheromones, Yibo's body fully turned ablaze inside and out. 'Hot'. His body shook crazily, his vision turned hazy, tinnitus rang in his ears, and his heartbeat thumped quickly. One small movement and he felt the wetness between his buttocks ran down his thighs. And the scent, his own scent was too strong that it almost suffocates him too.

This Heat. The thing Yibo substantially despises. The thing he had no control off. The thing he was scared and scarred by.

"Yibo." Zhan called for him and Yibo wanted nothing but to lurch into his arms and cling to his Alpha for solace. But instead, Yibo withdrew. He suddenly wanted to hide from Zhan. Ashamed he would run at Zhan, force him to go into a rut, and then consequently hate him.

"G-Gege..." A plead. His fear. His shame. 

Yibo's trembling voice was hopeless and his tears ran down his flushed cheeks. He sobbed, unable to say what he wants or what he needs. Afraid of what he might do and what might have been. He pulled his knees tight and curled like a ball, trying to hide his tear drenched face.

Zhan's heart broke seeing Yibo so hurt and vulnerable like this. His face contorted as he sensed the fluctuating Omega pheromones and he had to close his eyes and compel himself to think rationally. He had hurt Yibo before when he lost control, if he does it again... what if Yibo ran away again?

'What do I do?' Zhan's head was messy.

After stupidly hesitating for a moment, Zhan asked in a calm voice. "Honey, let me help you."

Yibo did not answer but Zhan did not perceive this as a rejection. The elder stretched his arm and held the younger's hand, pulling it towards him and kissing its skin softly while humming Yibo's name.

Zhan didn't want to do anything that Yibo wouldn't like, so he moved slowly, pulled him gently, held him tenderly until Yibo was leaning on him and soaking his chest with his tears.

"Honey, I would never force you again. Please believe me. I would never again hurt you, Yibo." If Zhan could offer his beating heart to prove his pledge, he would have done so.

In such state, he finally realised, "I love you."

As Zhan spit out the words, the ringing in Yibo's ears seemed to had momentarily stopped. Still dizzy, he stretched his neck to peek at his Gege. 'Was this another dream he was confusing with reality? Did he heard him clearly?'


A heavy breath escaped from Yibo's lips. The honey eyes that seemed to be dreamy sought confirmation from the molten silver ones. "L-love me, G-Ge?"

Zhan quickly supported Yibo's back and waist with his firm arms. Flexing his head forward to touch Yibo's forehead with his own. As the distance shortened, Zhan's eyes never left Yibo's. "I love you." He laid out his heart. "I love you the most, Yibo." He was honest. He was sincere. It was his first love but it felt that he had loved Yibo for eternity.

It just felt surreal, falling in love and having that love of your life in your arms.

Zhan's chest felt light and all these beautiful CHANGES in his life was wonderfully brought by one person. His Yibo. His Omega. His mate.

"I love you." Zhan repeated pouring out his heart. Zhan's eyes stinged as his lips smiled.

Forever. His parents' will rang in his mind and settled in his heart. 'The Weis and Lans forever be tied together. He is yours to rear and protect.'

"You are mine to love and protect, Yibo."

The end.


A/N: Yeah, I am so lazy recently so I will be ending it here.

To be honest my initial plan for this story is only up until Zhan realises the CHANGES Yibo had gone through because of what he did to him in the past. So, the title is CHANGES because of Yibo's changes.

Then I just continued writing so I can show how Zhan will turn into a new leaf (CHANGE) for Yibo.

If ever I have the energy to write an epilogue or some extra chapters, I would. 'Coz I have thought of few more things to share anyway.

Yibo's heat.

Another child.

A happy family.

But like I said, I am lazy....so goodbye for now!


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