24: The Boss' Wife

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Zhan had never felt this much want to embrace someone and protect them at all cost. It seems he never wanted to let go, never wanted to be parted.

Yibo was the key to this new-found greed... to this alpha's weakness... to Zhan's unfamiliar keen enthusiasm to care for someone else.

As he held his omega in a nuzzle, what Zhan aspired was to walk with Yibo in his constant battle within his mind. He wanted the younger to share his thoughts, express his self-doubts, and let Zhan in.

Those amber orbs holds a story untold. Natheless, what Zhan fears the most was the past. The cruel Zhan who had hurt and abandoned Yibo. Was his presence a poignant reminder of his sins?

His usual ice-like façade, broke into torrents of emotions. This self-loathe was alien to him.

Condemned. Liable. Disgrace. Zhan truly was.

Zhan stretched out his hand and stroked Yibo's mark. His hand trembled then stilled. This was his doing. 

A slip in the past. 

A deplorable gaffe, yet he does not regret now.

This was his. A wicked thought that razed in his mind against his old morals.

Yibo is his. And he intends to keep him and their son. They are his'.

But what was Yibo's say to this? Does he hate him? Detest being with him? Was it why he always hesitates to be near? Why Yibo usually refuse to meet his eyes and keep only to himself? 

Zhan questioned himself if he wasn't doing enough.

That kiss. This warmth. Was Yibo only forced in these? Or were they just a result of the inherent nature of an Omega with an Alpha?

Zhan's chest was heavy. This mind game and heart talk were all new to him. Exhausting.

So when Yibo's phone blared with a reminder that it is time to go and pick up their Su-er from nursery, Zhan promptly was on rise. He has much to do for Yibo and their son. Business work, his first priority then, became a minimal concern. 

He'll start from here. Holding Yibo's hand, leading the way. Standing proud to have this extraordinary Omega by his side.


On the other hand, passing by their stunned onlookers, Yibo seemed extremely wary. His unease soured the air. His gut upened in shame, his brain criticising his colossal difference compared to Zhan's social standing. 

He tried to free his hand from Zhan's hold when they passed by the receptionists who'd come to scrutinize him earlier on. They themselves were shocked with their Boss' skinship to the unknown visitor. But Yibo wasn't proud, instead disgusted with what he only is.

Zhan was intuitively perceptive or maybe just bold. Yibo's swerve and pull made this Alpha turn his head. Their course changed, Yibo was pulled towards the very source of his chagrin.

The two walked toward Zhan's aim. The taller one had a polished grim face, a distinctive character of eminence, intimidating and scary to put it simply. The other that was dragged along was in simple plain black shirt and cargo bottom, head bowed down, a nameless entity. But when Yibo faced Zhan in silent plead to let it go, he was nonetheless compared to an angel in distress. What irony it was to have such a beauty hostaged by the devil?

People glanced over at their direction. Where they stopped became the spot in the entire floor that screamed attention. Walls had ears, prejudices and muffled gossips dribbled around.

"If you see my wife coming, don't make him wait." Each word said was an implicit death threat. Even Yibo's heart raced in fear. "Whether I am at a meeting or busy, lead him to me at once." That's Zhan's definition of highest urgency and importance.

With that, Zhan gazed sternly at the supervisor, Mr. Da, who had come to greet him. "Get rid of the offenders. I abhor repetitive mistakes." Mr. Da, the poor old soul, could only stiffy nod. If he opened his mouth, he might only bit his tongue. But surely, he will skin his subordinates alive to get to the root of their Boss' wrath.

Their Boss had luckily ended it just in a fair warning. No questions asked, just obedience and fear instilled. 

Zhan was starting to go his way when he turned again, giving another run of cold sweats to the employees. But this time, he smiled though perceived eerily by his subordinates, "If my son comes too, treat him like a King."

Everyone who had heard him were left utterly shocked. The heartless workaholic Alpha found a wife?! And has a son too?! This was news!



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