20: Dad

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Sparse traces of woody scent greeted Yibo's nostrils as soon as he woke up. His heart pounded with thumps of sparkled hopes and mopes as he scanned his surroundings, finding the source, only to ascertain it was just him and Su'er in that room. 

Deep within him, who was he expecting to find? Such rich pheromones of his Alpha would be impossible to cocoon him in such an early morning. Unless, Zhan... Yibo stopped his train of thought. He shouldn't dare be that delusional.

"Papa?" Su'er groggily stirred on his side and laid his head on Yibo's lap reminding Yibo that he was never alone, never without an Alpha: his very own little Alpha.

The father ran his hand on Su'er's hair, patting gently his sleepy treasure. Not knowing Zhan's visit last night, Yibo had mistakenly thought those pheromones were from Su'er. He concurred, if third-gender could be changed from beta to omega, if imprinting a beta is also possible, then early presentation of Su'er's third gender could also be viable. He put Su'er on his lap and kissed his head. Definitely, Su'er smells just like his father. He is only three, shouldn't start emitting pheromones yet, but that subtle yet distinct woody fragrance is undeniably indistinguishable from Zhan's.

Yibo hugged him tighter and little Su giggled in his Papa's arms. "Papa! Pancakes?" Yibo melted in those amber doe eyes, helplessly thinking 'Pancakes morning, it is!'


Han-ge, Zhan's chef, let Yibo borrow the kitchen that morning. This late-forties chap had served Zhan for decades and knew thy Master only drinks black coffee for breakfast, eats late lunch at work and routinely skips dinner. So he had said to Yibo, if he wanted to use the kitchen, it is free for use as he pleases. 

So while Yibo prepares the batter, his little helper Su washes the berries that they'll put on top of their pancake tower. He tittered quietly, seeing Su'er stuffing bits and pieces of his favourite fruit on his puffed cheeks. The strawberries look so appetizing and fresh, Yibo couldn't blame the child from being tempted.

He was almost done whisking the ingredients when his little sous chef's head turned towards the door, frowning while sniffing a scent Yibo could not detect. Su'er's sense of smell has been sensitive since birth. He can smell someone and determine who was approaching even without looking. But this time, he was quite baffled. 

"Papa?" Su'er looked back at Yibo and then back at the door again. "I can smell you from there too." His young face looked conflicted and this statement made Yibo bewildered.

Curiosity spiking, Su'er suddenly hopped off the stool he was standing on and ran out of the kitchen.

Yibo made chase, worriedly following Su'er.

Su'er almost bumped into a tall frame. Thankfully, Su'er's reflexes are fast and he had stopped before he hit his face straight on that person's leg. "Papa?" Su'er repeated, looking at the new comer who was towering in front of him, the bearer of the same Jasmine scent as his Papa.

"It's nice to hear you calling me that. Papa." Zhan, who had just arrived back home after his morning jog beamed. He then dropped to his knees and patted Su'er's head whilst his other hand was tucked on his back, hiding something. Zhan cleared his throat, schooling his expression as he did not expect to bump into the father and son right after reaching home. 

He looked briefly at Yibo, avoiding to stare for long at his muse who seemed to be moreish with his apron on. "B-But if you call me that, don't you think your Papa might misunderstood you are calling him instead of me?"

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