Chapter Fourteen - The Past

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Winnie Melbourne

I stepped into the circle slowly, frosty puffs of air surrounding me as I panted. The Black Mountain Alpha stood tall, standing at 6'1 in his wolf form. His snout curled into a silent snarl as he stared down my 5'10 form. There was a moment where we stared each other down, no movements from either of us, but it was just a few seconds before it all started in slow motion.

The Alpha of Black Mountain, Alpha Bronze, moved first. I watched as the muscles in his hind legs flexed just seconds before he launched himself forward. I followed his movements, watching slowly as he came closer, jaw opening. We collided with a snarl, jaws snapping in each other's faces. My brain finally caught up with what was happening and everything was coming to me much quicker now.

I tucked my chin to my chest as Alpha Bronze's open jaws came down, catching my snout. My paws jerked up and I dug my claws into his stomach and chest, growling from the pain. My wolf comes forward more, putting more power and force behind our movements.

Alpha Bronze growls as my claws leave large gashes in his chest and stomach, weakening him and allowing me to push him off of me. I stand, shaking off the snow and getting my muscles to recognize that we need to be moving. My head swims and I blink before attacking. He snarls at my offensive move, forcing him to go on the defenisve. I bat a paw at his face, making contact and forcing his head into the snow. My claws leave bloody scratches on the top of his head and down further, one claw catching his right eye. He howls in pain and yanks himself away from, putting distance between us so he can catch his breath.

There's maybe a minute where we both just catch our breaths and assess each other. Alpha Bronze huffs and darts forward, catching me off guard. His head slams into my chest, knocking the wind off my lungs as he barrels over me. I yelp in surprise but fight back, snapping my jaws until my teeth find purchase. My teeth sink into his shoulder and I clamp down harder until they scrape bone. Snarling, the Alpha of Black Mountain twists his body, ripping his shoulder out of my mouth before opening his large jaws and clamping down onto my left side.

The pain is immediate, agony coursing through my veins and my wolf retreats. I scream my rage and agony, sticking my hands in his jaws and attempting to pry them apart. Alpha Bronze now holds my human form in his jaws, slowly crushing my ribcage and internal organs on the left side.

"I submit!", I snarl, baring my neck to the Alpha.

He throws me to the side before shifting, crouching and looking at my injured body before meeting my eyes. "Then leave my lands. I will allow you to live today, but next time we cross paths like this again, you will not be so lucky."

I may have lost that fight and left Black Mountain on the brink of death, but I left my own mark on the Black Mountain Alpha.

Alpha Bronze was now blind in one eye.

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