Chapter Eighteen - The Past

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Winnie Melbourne

There's a shift in the temple as I arrive, called upon by Mother Mene. I am surprised to see Mother Selene here, her pale complexion, blue eyes, and blonde hair a stark contrast to Mother Mene's darker complexion, black eyes, and black hair. I bow my head and put my fist to my chest. "Mother Goddesses, it is good to see you both. May I know the reason as to why I am here?"

"We have called you here to inform you of your mates. The Beta and two Alphas will be found on the Mountain. The Gamma will require you to visit the Flat Packs and search for him. There you will find yourself and pieces of your ancestors past that has been lost in history.", Mother Selene says with a smile.

I return her smile. "My ancestors?", I inquire.

Mother Mene intervenes. "Yes, your ancestors. In the Flat Packs, you will find many parts of your family that have been erased by those afraid of the wrath of the Shadow Wolf. You will have your answers as to why we have chosen you to be the Shadow Wolf, along with any other questions you may have regarding why."

"Why? What do you mean my questions regarding why?"

"The questions that keep you up at night, Winnie. Why your mother tortured you and why your Uncle never saved you, but rather harmed you. What drove your mother to madness and why, and I am telling you now, it wasn't just from her mate's death."

"I don't, no, Mother Mene, I don't worry about those questions.", I sputter, attempting to save face in front of my Mother Goddesses.

Mother Selene laughs lightly. "Winnie, you can not hide from us. We made you, we spent years crafting you. Do not take my words wrong, you decided who you would become, but we had a hand in making sure you would survive and thrive in your world and then after in this one."

"After?", I echo.

Mother Mene nods. "After.", she confirms. "I am dying and I need somebody to take my place on the throne when I do finally pass. Who better to do that than the Shadow Wolf?"

My knees buckle and I collapse, unable to process her words fully. "That's not possible. You're a Goddess. You're immortal."

I can see her smile slightly and shake her head. "Mother Selene is immortal but I am not. I was not born from Gods and Goddesses. There was only one Moon Goddess at one point in time, when the werewolves were first created, and that was Mother Selene. All werewolves were her children, all of them full of light, until the darkness smothered the light in some of their souls and took over. They are still good wolves, but they would not answer Selene's call. They felt they were not worthy of the light since they were filled with darkness. Thus, I was born. I was a mortal, born of darkness and bred with pain. I suffered greatly, a test to insure I was a suitable fit."

A tear rolls down my cheek. "Is that why I have suffered so much, Mother?"

"Yes and no.", Mother Selene answers. "You were supposed to suffer, yes, but not in the way you did. Mother Mene and I have rewrote your fate so you would not suffer greatly."

I nod, accepting her words. It is done anyways, there is no going back and changing what I have gone through. "Thank you, Mother Goddesses. I greatly appreciate you informing me of my mates and helping me. I will repay it back."

"We know.", they say in unison.

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