Chapter Forty-Three

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Winnie Melbourne

On either side of the Jeep, all I see are wolves weaving in and out of the trees. They cast glances at the vehicle, most tucking their tails as my power rolls out. I look in the rearview mirror to see the wolves gathering on the trails and following me.

"Hey, it's time to wake up!", I say, waking my mates from their slumber.

Bronze, James, and Ezra sit up and rub their eyes, yawning and stretching. "Are we almost there?", James asks with a gruff voice.

I grin as the huge castle comes into view. "We are there."

That statement captures their attention and they look out the windows. Their eyes are wide and I chuckle. "First time seeing it so close?", I ask.

"Yes!", all three answers at the same time. Bronze leans forward between the seats. "What about you, Winnie? Have you ever been inside the Windmere Castle?"

"Yeah, I have. Titus brought me in for questioning but under the Council's watchful eyes, he had to treat me like I was innocent instead of like I was guilty, so he had to bring me to the castle instead of in the dungeons.", I inform them.

Windmere Castle stands tall and spans across five acres of land. With over a hundred rooms and bathrooms, four kitchens, three living rooms, two dining halls, two ballrooms, a massive library, the Council Room, and the War Room, it was a huge castle that took a lot to maintain its beautiful state. Thankfully, there were a little under two hundred paid workers that took care of the place.

I pull up to the front courtyard and put the Jeep in park, watching with wide eyes as wolves from all over the Mountain gathering in different size groups and talked animatedly. A sudden silence fell over everybody as they turned to the Jeep and waited for my exit.

I took a deep breath and opened the door before closing it behind me. Steeling my spine, I looked at the thousands of wolves before me. "I am Winnie Melbourne!", I shout, projecting my voice across the courtyard. "I have rightfully won the Salvation Trials and earned the title of Prime Alpha! I am your Prime Alpha!"

I pound twice on my chest, snarling. Thousands of wolves echo me, pounding on their chest. "I am the Prime Alpha!", I shout again.

More chest pounds before I speak again. "I AM THE PRIME ALPHA!", I roar.

This time the wolves pound on their chests continuously, a thudding that echoes off the castle and surrounding trees until it stops suddenly. The wolves await my next words, and with a growl, I roar again. "LET THE CELEBRATIONS BEGIN!"

There's a chorus of growls, snarls, and howls as a huge bonfire in the middle of the courtyard is lit. Red hot ambers fly into the sky as drinks are passed around, music is played, and the dancing begins. My mates and I join the party, dancing around the bonfire in a circle and passing around partners. I laugh as James twirls me into Bronze's arms, who then dips me and places a kiss on my lips before passing me onto Ezra. Ezra lifts me up by my hips and twirls with me in the air before placing me on the ground.

The tune of the music shifts and I'm passed onto Alpha Kayson, who places a hand on my ribcage and one on my shoulder. "Long time no see, Winnie. Or should I say, Prime Alpha?"

I laugh and playfully slap his chest. "Just Winnie for you, Alpha Kayson."

"Alright.", he says with a laugh. "I knew you could do it. I said you would win, and you did. I can't believe it. My little girl, the Prime Alpha.", he adds with tears shining in his eyes.

I feel the burn of tears in my own eyes and I laugh. "Thank you for believing in me, Dad. I couldn't have done it without you. I would be long dead if you hadn't come along when you did."

Alpha Kayson wipes away the tears on my cheeks and smiles softly at me. "Oh Winnie, you would've survived either way, with or without me. You're a fighter and I know you were just bidding your time until you were strong enough to fight back. You, my sweet daughter, are the strongest person I know."

I shake my head. "I'm not. Dad, I've done terrible things. Alpha Samuel-"

"Alpha Samuel was your half brother, I know.", he says. "But he was going to kill you and every wolf under his tight reign is free to live their lives now. A new Alpha will be appointed for Purple Mountain and they will have a long and happy packlife. You gave that to them. You've done so much Winnie. You saved my life and killed your Luna to do so. You've saved hundreds of lives and I know you'll save thousands more in the future. I'm so proud of you."

I sob and cling to Alpha Samuel, hiding my face in his chest. He kisses the top of my head before rubbing his cheek across my hair. "I love you so much Winnie, so much."

"I love you too."

His grip on me tightens slightly before he releases me and holds me at a distance by my shoulders. "Long love the Prime Alpha. May she lead us to a new and happier era. Now go to your mates. They are waiting for you."

I smile and nod before turning away and heading for my mates. They stand with two other males next to them, eyes on me. I meet the gaze of the other two wolves and feel the matebond snap into place.

Bronze takes me by the hand and leads me closer to them. "Winnie, meet Gamma Ren Hoyt of Fort Moon and Alpha Greyson Deering of Fang Howlers. Your other two mates."

I stare in awe at the two before Alpha Greyson steps forward. "Prime Alpha, I'm sorry but I have to do this for my pack. They're not cut out for Mountain life and neither am. I, Alpha Greyson Deering of the Fang Howlers, rejects Prime Alpha Winnie Melbourne of Windmere Mountain, as my mate and future Luna."

"I understand. I accept your rejection.", I respond as a searing pain fills my chest.

He stares at me for a moment before turning and disappearing into the crowd. I turn to Ren and he opens his arms, pulling me into a hug. "I'm so glad I've met you, Winnie. I've waited a long time to find you."

"What do you mean?", I ask as I pull away slightly.

"When I shifted, your name was there in my head. Winnie Melbourne. That's all I knew. I searched the Flat Packs and Clans for you but I had no luck. When I heard the Clans bring up your name and then raiding the Mountain to find you, I followed them in hopes of finding you.", Ren says.

"I'm glad you came.", I mutter.

Ren opens his mouth to say something else but is cut off by a scream and then a roar. "The Clans are attacking!"

And then all hell breaks lose.

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