Chapter 15

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After we left the party, I could tell Kit was trying brush off whatever happened at the 'party'.

I knew the moment I was invited to a party by Hanna, I wanted to say what I usually would and just say 'I'm busy' to get out of it but given the bizarre circumstances with her now liking a girl, I could not ignore it.

Whoever this girl was, Kit knew her, and it was not just some random person either.

There was history there, history I did not have the right to ask about.

There is no question about it, from the way she behaved when she saw Kit, whatever happened between them both had ended badly, so bad that I did not miss the way she dug into him.

I didn't like her.

"Uh, Jamie, where are we going?" Kit asked, looking out the window.

Once I see where we were, I realized I had driven us to my dad's house in the hills. "Oh."

I knew that my dad, Evan, and my sister were home, now that Evan's movie promoting was finished, they would be home a lot more now, at-least until I leave for college.

"Sorry, I didn't realize." I cringed, pulling up to the gated driveway.

I pressed the unlock button for the gate and then turned to look at Kit, who was staring up at the house with wide eyes, like he was looking at something that was not there.

"Uh, is this, okay?" He asked, as I drove through the gate to the main house.

Was it okay?

I had brought friends home before, and whilst most times it had ended badly, in broken awards from out-of-control house parties to most of my friends just being too uncomfortable and overwhelmed to relax.

Kit was different, he'll be fine... right?

"Why wouldn't it be?" I rolled my eyes. "We can skip inside through the side entrance, if you're uncomfortable."

"Uh, aren't your... dads' home?" Kit asked, closing the side door behind him then he moved to come walk beside me.

I looked at Kit and tried not to laugh. "Yeah, why is that a problem?"

Kit looked physically uncomfortable, but I was used to this, whenever I would bring friends, or sneak someone inside that I did not want my dad or Evan to meet, mainly because of how intimidating people get around them.

I get it, my dad is rich and Evan's famous, just get over it.

"It's just... isn't it weird? I'm your teacher." He chuckled nervously as I turned and looked before I opened the back gate.


I snorted. "If that worried you, you would've run away by now." I opened the door wide for him to walk through as a smile played on my lips.

"Right now, you're not my teacher, and in a month, I won't be your student." I point out, as Kit's bright blue eyes meet mine.

Kit laughed and with that, he followed me to the back door leading into the garage, and once we got inside, I deactivated the alarm before security, and my dad notice me in here, with not only a guy, buy my schools temp.

I didn't know what I was doing driving here with Kit, but now that he's here, I still don't know what to do.

This whole time I've been taking it day by day and because of that, I've never expected anything, as far as I'm concerned, he's three years older than me and just happens to be a sub at the school I will graduate from any minute now.

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