Chapter 30

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With everything prepared for tonight, there was just one last thing I needed to do, before my family, and Kit arrived.

Laurent had sent me a text an hour ago asking to meet me, and given how I ended things, I owed him that much.

With a knock on the door, I knew it had to be him, as I wasn't expecting anyone else.

Once I go over to open the door to see who it was, I look at Laurent and without a word, I open the door wide and step aside and watch as he comes inside.

Shutting the door behind him, I don't miss the way he looked at me, with an expression I've seen only once.

The day I yelled at him and left France, and him behind.

"Thank you mon- Jamie, for meeting with me." He said, as he smiled at me, and then checked out what I was wearing from head to toe.

"You look handsome, I take it you have plans?"

"Yes." I spoke quietly. "With my family."

"And... Kit."

I watched as his smile sunk at the mention of Kit, and I didn't need to be a genius to realize how fucked up this situation was.

"I'm sorry." I said, rubbing the back of my neck as he turned his head away from me.

There was silence, then Laurent turned to me and smiled sadly, with a shake of his head.

"No... I am sorry, I thought all this with your ex was behind you, and it really was a beautiful story Jamie." He said, as he went to stand inches in front of me.

"I talked to my editor in chief and she has agreed to take it down, of course for my undying loyalty." He smiled. "I checked on my way over, it's gone."

I sigh out and take a step back, feeling a weight off my shoulders as the words 'it's gone' leave his mouth.

A month ago I had completely lost my mind knowing that what I was for myself was now in the hands of a publisher, no other person than the guy I was seeing.

It broke me more ways than one, the betrayal was deep and I just couldn't look at Laurent the same way anymore.

I hated what he did, but most of all... I hated that I still had feelings for Kit.

"Does he know how much you love him?" Laurent asked, filling in the silence.

I looked at him then shook my head, an uneasy sinking feeling in my stomach at the mention of 'love'.

Kit only made me feel like this, this anxiety I feel, this emotion I hated with passion, yet craved when during those two years apart.

Love... hah, it was the reason I feel so messed up these days.

"Not yet." I swallowed hard, feeling that sensation intensify. "I'm going to tell him tonight."

"I know you don't want to hear this, but it's always been him... I'm sorry Laurent." I said sincerity, looking at Laurent in his eyes.

I had half expected him to whack me, scream at me atleast, but instead he steps forward until he has his arms wrapped around me, surprising me completely.

"I wish you luck Jamie, truly I do." He whispers gently as he squeezes me before letting go and standing back.

"He's a lucky guy, I hope he realizes that... and..." He pauses, his eyes searching mine as a smile raises to his lips.

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