Chapter 18

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I followed Jamie down the luxurious spiral stairs of his father's mansion, feeling as though I would throw up any minute.

All that stuff I just said to Jamie about 'you only live once' I was starting to second guess if I really should have said that, especially now, when I'm in too deep.

Once upon a time ago, before my life spiralled out of control, I was liked, even loved by parents of my friends, and lovers, I was even used to this lifestyle given where I came from, but this was different.

Everyone knew the name Steele.

I had even heard of Jamie's dad way before I had heard of Jamie, which is why this makes me nervous.

I knew what the dad could do to me, especially if he knew-

"We're here just don't..." Jamie paused and looked at me, then sighed. "Just be yourself, let me know if you want to leave."

I nodded my head and my hands started to sweat the moment Jamie opened the large double doors that led into another large and grand room where I saw from a distance, two beautiful men sit.

I instantly recognised his dad, and his husband, Evan Beckett.

To be honest, I was a fan, and in another life, I always thought Evan was my type, but that was before the news of him, and Donovan Steele broke the media when they announced they were seeing each other.

"Good morning." Evan said cheerfully, grinning behind a cup of coffee as I walked beside Jamie.

Almost instantly, I felt all eyes in the room turn to me, even the small girl that sat between the two very beautiful, intimidating and powerful couple.

"Hey." Jamie said casually as we reached the table.

He turned to me and then his parents. "This is Kit, he stayed the night, he's eating with us then we're both heading out."

I sat down with Jamie and mimicked his actions, trying my best to ignore the burning gazes of those across the table from us, especially his dad, who had yet to say anything.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Evan." Evan said, reaching across the table to shake my hand as I stood up to shake his hand.

Evan's hand was surprisingly soft and nice, yet the moment I looked at the man, who is obviously Jamie's dad from how similar they looked, I felt his burning glare the moment I shook hands with Evan.

"Kit Pierce, uh... nice to meet you too." I stuttered, shook his hand and then sat back down next to Jamie.

Jamie noticed the tension from his dad, and then sighed heavily, making everyone in the room look at him.

"Just come out and say it, don't make this awkward." He said to his dad, too casually, making Evan almost choke on the coffee he was drinking.

The girl between the two men started to cry from Evan's sudden coughing which made Evan smile apologetically and stand up, picking the young girl up with him.

"I'll uh, I'll be right back." He cleared his throat, before making a swift exit through the double doors, leading outside of the dining room.

"Don't mind me!"

The moment Evan left, Donovan Steele, Jamie's dad sat back and crossed his arms and then stared at Jamie and me.

"What's going on Jamie?" He immediately asked, his deep voice shaking the room.

Jamie, with a piece of toast in his mouth, scoffed.

"We had sex, is it really that hard to contemplate?"

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