Chapter 31

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I was running so late.

Despite taking a car ride here, I couldn't relax in the car so I had asked to walk the rest of the way, which was only two blocks from where I needed to go to meet Jamie.

I wanted to make a good impression on Jamie's family, the last time I had met his father it didn't end so well, but I knew this time it was different, I was different but most of all, Jamie had forgiven me and wanted me to stay and come tonight.

I just needed to get my head right, and take a breather before I walked in there, I wanted to be confident, but I was anything but, as I was a nervous wreck and scared of screwing this all up again with him.

I was just a five minute walk from the place I was meeting Jamie, and his family, when I felt something, or someone touch my shoulder before I turned around the corner back onto the main street.

When I turned around, I did not expect to stare down the barrel of a gun pointed directly in my face, by a man I did recognise, but from the look in his eye, I could see he knew me.

"Fancy seeing you here, asshole." The man said, as I slowly raised my hands up, my heartbeat banging loudly in my chest.

His eyes were dark, he had looked like he hadn't slept in months as his fingers tightly wrapped around the gun in his hands, as he gestured for me to step forward, further into the alleyway.

"You can have my wallet, there's money inside." I calmly say, not moving from my spot as I swallow hard as his face remains stoic.

"Money?" He scoffs, as I hear a click come from his gun.

"You... don't even remember me, do you?"

I stared at his face but nothing came to mind, and even if I did know who he was and why he was doing this, a loaded gun pointed in my face was making it hard to think about anything other than that fact.

I tried to think if I knew this man or not, he looked as though he was in his late 30's but nothing was coming to mind, I didn't remember him.

Fuck, why was this happening tonight of all nights?

"You ruined my life and didn't even learn my name... did you?" He laughed darkly, before hissing out.

"L-Look, put the gun down and we can-"

"TALK?" He shouts in my face, stepping forward to press the gun painfully against my forehead.

Before I could predict his next move, he raised the gun and hit me with it hard across my face, making me stumble back, and as I knelt down to cover my face, the man had jumped on me.

"I'm done talking, you took her from me... I have nothing now!" Tears filled his eyes as he shouted in my face.

I felt something suddenly touch me, and at first I thought he had hit me again, but through the chaos of what was happening, I watched as he got up off me, his eyes filled with sudden panic before he turned around to run away.

As I watched him run down the alleyway I felt a sharp pain from where he had touched me, and once I looked down and saw why I was suddenly in so much pain as I stared at a knife in my stomach.

He... he stabbed me.

The pain upon seeing what was inside me suddenly overcame everything inside of me as I was now aware of what had happened, making my pain seem unbearable as I tried to process everything.

I tried to call out for help, but every time I opened my mouth it felt as though the knife was going further into my stomach, causing me to cry out as I tried not to move.

In those moments, I thought of nothing but surviving this, I tried to steady my breathing, and think of what to do next, but most importantly, I thought of the only thing keeping me from being afraid.

Trying to calm myself, it suddenly dawned on me where I had seen that man before, and once his face flashed in my mind, I finally remembered where I had seen him before.

I didn't know him, not even by name, but I did know him from somewhere, and that was because he was always staring at me from behind a certain someone, someone who I was forced to be with.

He looked different now, but it was definitely him, the more I thought about it, he was her bodyguard.

Or... ex-bodyguard.

Jessica Whipley, my soon to be ex-fiancee.

I can't believe he found me here, in America of all places, and that he stabbed me, in the alleyway blocks from where I should be, living my life how I should've lived it months ago, before I ran away like a coward.

Now... Could it be too late?

I didn't want it to end like this, not like this.

Reaching for my phone, I saw that my hands were covered in my blood, and shaking profusely as I stared at the bright red blood on my hands, trying my best to not let the fear sink in and to focus on unlocking my phone.

Only then I realized how much blood I had lost, and that my hands were feeling sore, and numb, and with one last desperate effort, I tried to open my phone to get help.

It was useless, I was losing too much blood and the blood on my hands made it impossible to open my phone to get help, and in the end... It was all for nothing.

The last thing I heard, before I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, was a scream filling the air, and the sound of car horns filling the cold air of New York at night.

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