Gut feeling

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     The warm sun shined across my room. Lightly brightening up the entire room. I heard the door squeak open. "Hey, sleepyhead, wake up! We have to go to the mall for your room. " Bill squeaked at me. 'I must have fallen asleep.' I nod and sit up, he left the room after making sure I was awake. "God, how could've I ended up in this position." I mumbled to myself. I got up and looked down, I was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. I went outside my door and down a little to see Bill waiting there outside of his room. I walked with him towards the living room. Gustav and Tom were there sitting and chatting with coffee. "Yea so I was like- Oh hey Lilith!" Gustav said. "Hey, Gustav." I said shyly, Bill gripped onto my arm lightly and tugging me. I looked up at him as he did the same. He gave me a look as to hurry. I nod as we walk off out of the door. When I got outside I saw the bright sun shining above a dark red car. 'He really likes red doesn't he.' I thought to myself. He led me to one side of the car. It had illegally tinted the windows pitch black. I got in, my mom told me to never get in a stranger's car. But yet here I was. Getting in my kidnappers' car. He got in the driver's side, turning on the car. 

     We sped passed many buildings and people, but there was one person who stuck out to me. She had dark brown wavy hair and beautiful green eyes, with healthy long eyelashes. She was short, around 5,4. Even if I saw her for 1 split second, I knew I was going to see her again. I don't know why, she's just some random person I saw on the street. It was a gut feeling, they say listen to your gut. But I don't know why I felt it, just did. I brushed off the feeling as we arrvied to the huge mall. I loved mall shopping, I loved shopping. It wasn't an addicion just something I liked doing, like drawing or playing that random tune on my guitar.  

     As we arrived, I felt eyes on me. I coudn't tell where they were coming from, the mall was packed with people, kids and crying babies. "Okay, where do you wanna start?" Bill said, interupping me from my thoughts. "Uhm, maybe a place to start off with decorating, or new bedsheets." Bill nodded as we headed to a nearby store that had my style. We picked out a few items, but I felt the same eyes on me the whole entire time. Sense we stepped out the car. I turned around to see a pale looking man looking at me, he quickly smiled at me and left. He had dark hair, almost the same shade as Bills. I turned around creeped out, who was he. Why was he eyeing me. I mean people have asked my number plenty of times, complimented me, gave me gifts as a form of asking me out. But I either said thank you or ignored them. I knew it was from my looks, so I didn't give any a chance. 

     But, why'd he have to eye me the entire time. He followed me around from outside to inside. "You good?" Bill tapped me on the shoulder. "Yea sorry, I'm good." I said, snapping out of my trance. I focoused my attention onto the items infront of me. We shopped around a little long, we laughed a little. For him being my kidnapper, he was oddly sweet. And so were his friends. "Hey, Bill?" I turned towards him. "Yea?" He responed. "Whats your last name?" I asked, "Kaulitz." He simply answered. "Oh, it's pretty." His face quickly lightened up at my compliment, "Thank you!" I could tell he was happy, I guess he liked it.

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