Car Ride

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Days have passed. Not the best days, nothing could beat those few weeks I had with them. I have been, horrible. Even Georg has mentioned  it, and he doesn't like bringing up peoples feelings.
My head leaned back on the head board. I closed my eyes, thinking of all the good memories I've had remembered, instead it flooded with bad memories.

I shot open my eyes, quickly sitting up.

My breathed was heavy. Soon I calmed down, I went to the bathroom and put water on my face. I stared in the mirror, my reflection not looking back. It was someone who looked close like me. But it wasn't me.
She had medium length wavy black hair. Tired eyes, ones that have crying almost every second of the day. My eyes heavy, the eye bags peered through. I looked like a zombie.

I was skinnier than I was before, due to my lack of eating and the strange liquid that guy shot in my veins.
I covered my stomach with my bony arms and hands, trying not to look at it. Sometimes I still wonder how Bill has put up with me, after getting kidnapped almost 5 times.
Staring at the reflection in the mirror, I turned my head to see Bill peeking in the doorway.

"Hey, Lilith. Do you want to come on a car ride with me?" He asked nervously, "Uh, yea sure lemme get read real quick." I said, turning my eyes away from his. Just so he didn't see my puffy eyes.
"Cool, I'll wait." He shut the door, leaving me to start rushing to not look at as shitty as I am.

I took some mascara, eyeliner and some concealer.

Once I was done, I stared in the mirror. Looking at myself, recognizing who I was a little bit.
I took some clothes out, a white and black striped hoodie, some kakai colored cargo pants, some gloves to cover my thin hands, and a necklace.
I went out my room, going to the living room.

I saw Tom and Georg chatting in the kitchen, Gustav no where in sight.
Then, I saw Bill sitting on the sofa. He turned around and looked at me up and down. A small smile lifted his face. "Alright, we're leaving!" He shouted, earning Tom saying 'Have fun!' as well as Gustav coming out of no where.

The cool air of the night hit my face.
Lifting my mood a little.

Once we got in the car, he started the ignition. "Why'd you want me to come?" I asked, plainly staring forward. "What? No reason, just wanted to spend time with you. Ya know?" He responded, acting confused. "You don't let me go out, even if it's for a short period of time.
You wouldn't just ask me out of the blue for no reason, Bill. Why do you want me to be out now?" I asked, Bill sighing.

He didn't respond, like he was looking for the right words to say. We drove down roads, still not talking to each other. I put my head near the window, the fast winds blew against my hair. "I know your not doing okay." He interrupted the silence.
"What's going on with you?" He questioned.

"Nothing, what do you mean?" I continued to stare out the window.

"Don't play dumb with me, Lilith. You know what I mean." He scowled. "How can you not tell? You are oblivious." I scoffed, turning my head towards him.
He kept his eyes of the road, his face confused. 

HELLO EVERYBODY. I hope you guys like this chapter, Sorry I haven't posted- I started school so probably I will be posting on Saturdays or Sundays! LOVE U GUYS AND STAY SAFE!!!

MWAH.                ❤️

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