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     'It's been weeks sense Lilith went missing. Bill hasn't been doing to great. He has barely eaten, even when he does its nothing more and 4 bites of a granola bar. He during half the day and cries all night. He spends half of the day searching for Lilith. He shower every 3 days. His room is dirty and gross smelling.

I'm scared for him and his well being.'

     I put the pen down on the notebook. I wrote all my feelings in there. Bill showed me how to express my feelings, the start was writing it all down. I sat there, feeling drained from Bills negative energy. Thinking about what I heard outside the door.

     'He never liked her?' I thought, I wiped sweat off my hot head from the lack of AC. Even if it was getting colder outside, it never did in here. At least in our rooms, beside Bills and Lilith. Bill kept his AC on for Lilith, because she went in his room and they would spend hour's everyday laughing, giggling, watching movies.


I felt hands grip over my wrist as I was being held against a 6 foot tall man.

"Bill's gonna kill you." I squirmed in the mans grip.

"Oh really?"

"Yea, he's gonna find me. He's looking for me right now. He's been looking for me." His eyebrows raise as I spoke.

"If he was looking for you, wouldn't he have found you already?" He said smirking slightly, putting some white plastic gloves on his thin hands.

My face dropped.
He would of found me already if he cared.

"I mean it's been almost a month." He said sternly, I felt the mans grip tighten as the other guy put some liquid in a needle.

"What are you gonna do with that...?" I asked, scared.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now hold still, this won't hurt a bit if you don't move." He walked over to me, I try to push the guy off of my wrist.

Soon, a sharp object was injected in my skin.

My Little VampireUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum