Unwanted Memories

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'Weeks have passed, the most amazing ones of my life. Me and Bill got close with each other.
So close. It almost felt like we've known each other for years.
I know everything about him. Other than his backstory. Every time I bring it up he changes the subject. It's a little annoying but I brush it off. Today, I'm gonna ask Tom about it. I hope it goes well.'


I dropped my pen and stood up, I walked towards Toms room.
He's been in there all day. He's only come out for food. Then went back.
Knocking on the door, 5 times. He opened the door. "Hey Lilith" Tom said with a light soft smile. It was very clear it was fake but I ignored it. "Hey, Tom can I talk to you?" I crossed my hands together. His fake smile dropped and turned serious.
"Yea sure, come in." He opened the door fully, allowing me to step inside.
I've only been in Toms room a few times, to get something and quickly leave. My eyes glanced over his belongings.
His bed had a black comforter. Black pillow cases to mach, a desk with a white open laptop. Before I can look at his tab, he quickly shut it. "Like my room?" He said awkwardly.
"Yea it's actually nice when I look at it." My head turned in all directions.

He has own little collection of hats in a corner of a room. Hanging like trophies.

"Alright what did you want to talk about?" He said breaking my trance. I sat on his bed as he did the same. "Why don't you guys talk about your childhood?" I said, nervously.
His face turned annoyed,
"Why do you need to know?" He spat.
"It's just something I'm curious about.."

"Well you don't need to know so get out." I instantly got flashbacks from when me and Bill argued. "Get out." He demanded, opening the door. "Sorry..." I left. He slammed his door shut.

I was sorry. I brought up something I shouldn't.

I gulped, Georg walked up to me. "What happened with Tom?" He asked, "Nothing, sorry." I sped walked off to my room, leaving him their confused.
"Okay?" He walked away slowly.

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