She never came home

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I soon fell asleep after Georg came and lectured me.

I yawned and opened my eyes as I woke up. The sun shining through the curtains, the orange beam reminded me of that morning with Lilith. The way her hair flowed against the soft winds. It was heaven.

I sat up, my hands picked up the teddy bear that Tom got me when were little. I tossed it on the other side of the wide spaced mattress. I rubbed my eyes to remove the crust caused by my slumber. The thoughts from last nights occurrence came flooding back, I shivered at my hurtful words.

      I sat up and went for my drawer. I grabbed some new fresh clothes, a plain black fitted shirt and some random comfortable teal Adidas pants. I then reached for a different drawer, my eyes set for black songs. My hands closed the drawer and went for the bathroom connected to my room.

     I placed the clothes on the shelf outside of the glass shower, the knobs moved towards the wall as I adjusted the temperature to my liking.

     Once I got it to the temperature I wanted I stripped down. The cold air hitting my exposed skin. The cold tiles hit my feet ad I stepped in the shower. The warm water soaked my dyed black hair, I brushed my hair out of my face, my head leaned back. Slightly hurting my neck.

     My hands scrambled around for the shampoo, I squirted it on my hands. The shampoo rummaged around my scalp as I scrubbed the old hairspray out of my hair.

Minutes passed as I was done with the well needed shower.

     I stepped out, the warm towel wrapped around my waist. My eyes glanced to my reflection in the mirror. My crusty eye makeup from yesterday was gone. Soon after, I was fully dressed in my clothes. I was still freezing from the AC being on because Lilith hated the heat, so I instructed everyone to keep the AC on in every room except theirs.

     I took a dark red brush from the counter and brushed my matted, fresh smelling, hair. My hair felt like silk as it brushed through my hair.

     Soon I exited the cold room and went on in the living room. Georg and Tom talked worriedly as Gustav jumped out his seat running towards me. "What did you and Lilith fight about?" He questioned frantically.

     "Uhm, just my actions. Nothing else." I said confused. "She left the house correct?" Gustav asked as Tom and Georg turned their heads towards us. "Yes? What happened." I said scared, as I crossed my arms.

"She never came home." Those words shook me. I couldn't move or anything

"What." My heart began pacing quicker by the second.

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