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I sat there, crying into a light brown teddy bear as Tom rubbed my back. "It's gonna be okay," He said patting my back. "I know how you feel." 

"You don't know, I can't tell what I'm feeling." I chocked out, mumbling under my breath. "I'm sorry, Bill." He said, "Want some tea? I made some." I nodded my head as he left, leaving.

     I didn't mean to yell at her, she was sensitive and I knew that. She told me, I was someone she could tell anything and not judge her. "I'm so sorry, Lils" I whispered, chocking on my tears. I didn't know where she went, or where she was. It gave me discomfort. I didn't understand how I felt for her. It was something new, something I've never gotten close to understanding. It's like with her I was alive, like I wanted her with me. I've never felt it with anyone else before. It hurt me, mentally. Soon, Tom came back with the tea but with Georg. 

"Why is Georg here?" I questioned, taking the tea from Toms hand as he left. 

"I think I could help you, understand what your feeling." He said sitting down, taking my hand in his. 

      "Alright, then. How could you help me." I took a sip of the tea, the warmth of it burning my tongue. "How do you feel, in words. Describe it." ...I thought about it for a second. "It's like, when I'm with her I feel like," I paused, "Like I want to be with her, Like I want to stay with her forever. I want to hold her. For us to enjoy each others touch and presence." I continued, words of how I felt kept spilling out. "I want her to me next to me forever, I would do anything to keep her safe. Safe in my arms." More spilled of my tongue. 

     "And for her to-" I got cut off by Georg, "Love" He said blankly, staring into my soul. "Love?" I responded. I can't feel love. I'm a vampire, I'm immoral. "Love." His hand slid away from mine. Leaving me in complete shock. "I'm in love with my girlfriend," He said, trying to prove a point. As were both vampires. "But that's different, Steph is a vampire. Not a human." 

     "No it's not, love is love. You can love a human, vampire, animals, objects, fictional characters. It doesn't matter, as long as you love and care for them and or it." His words were wise, like your grandmother/grandfather was giving you advice when your young.

I took his words deeply as I sat thinking about it. Thoughts scattered my mind, I clutched on the stuffed bear in my arms.

He got up and left, leaving me in a world of thoughts I couldn't ever imagine myself entering.

My Little VampireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz