I saw her again

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   Days have past sense me and Bill kissed, we acted normal around others. But when were alone, it felt different. I've had relationships in the past, but none have made me feel like how Bill made me felt. But he made me feel special, like I'm the only girl in the world and he's trying to steal my heart. It's working I guess. It's been almost a month sense I've met Bill. Won of the best months of my life.

     I felt my shoes step along the pavement. The cold air against my bare legs. I hugged myself as an attempt to warm myself. I had Bill's sweater on, he gave it to me before I left. He said it was cold, even if I left an hour ago and it was warm. 'Just incase.' He told me. But thank god he did, I would have been turned into ice if he didn't. He was always so caring, not just to me. To everyone, he looked after the ones he cared for like their his children. The treatment I get from his is different like the others. He smiles more with me, he's more gentle and alert of where I am at all times. Maybe it's because he's paranoid. Because I got kidnapped that one night. But I guess I'm thankful for it. If I didn't, maybe Bill and I wouldn't have gotten this close with each other.

     I stood in my tracks. I saw her again, the girl I saw on the drive towards the mall. The same dark brown wavy hair, green eyes that shinned like stars, and her eyelashes that I swear I thought were fake. She was talking with someone. Someone that I couldn't pin point on where I have seen him before. But I knew I shouldn't be here. I wasn't safe with them, not anywhere Bill wasn't.

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