"You okay?"

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I jumped awake at the loud sound of a metal door slamming open. I rubbed my eyes quickly and looked up. Someone ran towards me, I couldn't really see who they were because my vision was still blurry, but I immediately knew who is was when I heard their voice. "Lilith! Come on!" He spoke. My vision cleared as I spoke, "Bill! Your here!" I screamed excitedly.

"Yes I am! Now we have to be quiet and sneak out." He said hushing me, he put his finger on his lips and took them down. I nod and admire his features.

     Bill took my hand in his and we ran out the door, he took me down a hallway. We were running around like we were two teenagers sneaking out a class trip to go be with each other. I smiled because I could get out of that horrible concrete room. We soon ran out the door that trapped me in that place. My feel were bare and hurt because all of the rocks and concrete I had stepped on.

    "You okay?" He said out of breath. We had stopped in front of a tree. It hung over us as the  orange warm sun glee on our faces. The orange tint warmed the cold night air. It slowly shifted towards morning. "Yea! Never felt better. What about you? Are you good?" I asked, also out of breath. "Yea, Im okay now that your with me!" He said smiling while panting.

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