Missing person

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"Maybe she'll come back." I said panicked.

"I don't know, probably but, she should of been home already." Georg announced.

     Panic and thoughts scattered my mind like a bunch a kids running around on a playground. "I'm going to find her." I sternly said, turning back into my room. I didn't bother getting new clothes, I shoved some dirty old converse on and quickly left. The warm air hit my skin, the clouds hiding the sun from me. I didn't know where I could find her.

My body traveled as fast a lighting, running around for at least 9 minutes. I've check everywhere I possibly could. Everywhere we've went and beyond that point.

My mind echoed the words I said to her.

"No. I meant fucking nothing."

It echoed louder.

"Nothing. You mean nothing."

It made me think about her. Her feelings.
How she must of felt when I told her she meant nothing to me. Even if I risked my life to save her. I protected her from the old lady at the park.

Tears form in my eyes. The salty water dripped down my face, into the corners of my mouth. I stood there, out of breath, crying. All the emotions rolled back. The birds chirping stopped as they flew away, I felt a hand on mine. The same placement I had my hand on Lilith that day I saved her. I looked up to see no one. Not one singular person in sight.

I hugged my stomach as I rumbled from hunger. I hadn't eaten anything today, it soon disappeared. I didn't have the time to eat, I didn't want to.

     I sniffed and chocked on my tears, soon they went away. I went to a nearby restaurant, "Hello! What would you like?" The woman asked.

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