True Happiness

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What felt like hours, a few minutes passed. Silence roamed around the building, I could hear my own breathing. Was someone dead? Hopefully, I was getting sick of the noise.

Thoughts and imagines of Bill scattered my head, that's who I could only think about. Sense I've gotten kidnapped, sense I first met him. Sense the day he gave me that sweet sugary tea. His smile stayed put in my head. It's something I could never forget, why would I? It's contagious, he smiles I smile. He smiles, everyone in the room smiles. Soon, the thought became a video, programmed into my mind.  The time he rescued me from that concrete room. We ran through the orange light, the wind blowing in my face. Us giggling and laughing. The picnic table we sat at. The huge smiles spread across our faces. The moment I called, 'True Happiness', the moment I will cherish till the day I die. 

Sometimes, throughout the day I would think about the kiss we shared. And how it meant nothing. Nothing to him. But it meant something to me. I still wonder why Bill left me, to let me die?

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream. A scream I was familiar with. One I've heard before. 

I immediately jumped up, eyes widened, heart pacing, mind racing. "Bill...?" whisper came from my mouth.

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