A spark

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      Once the banging stopped I stood up and went to the door. Every kidnapper locks there victims door, like in every movie I would watch. I decided to try to open the door, maybe just maybe they're stupid enough to leave the door unlocked. I placed my hand on the silver metal door handle. The cold iron brushed along my skin and send a cold shock into my veins and skin. I twisted the handle, to my surprise it was unlocked. My face lit up and a smile spread across my face. It quickly turned into fear when I heard 2 loud gunshots.

I slowly opened the door, fearing for my life. That if my face is shown once I could die. The creaking was loud so I made sure to open it quickly so it doesn't creak that much.

I met with a concrete wall and two paths to go down from. I looking towards one side, then I started hearing bang, smashing, glass breaking, grunting, screaming, gun shots. Then it got closer, louder. I stood in fear not knowing what I should do. I could stay and possibly die, go back into the room, or run down a hall I have no idea where it could go. But even if I wanted to move, I couldn't. I was frozen, stuck.

Everyone got louder. A tear ran down my face, 'Why can't I move?!' I yelled at myself through my thoughts. Its like a stove is laying on my shoulders, I couldn't move. It was right there. Whatever I was fearing, it was right there. Just around the corner. I saw Bill holding up a guy against the wall, he saw me out of the corner or his eye. We held eye contact for a few seconds. A smile spread across my face. The guy he held up against the wall, punched Bill in the face. Then he fell back and started fighting again. It slowly left down the hall. I could still hear it, just very lightly. Like when you feel air on your skin.

"Bill!" I yelled, He came back for me! My kidnapper came for my rescue. I felt a little hop spark up in my eye.

But it all soon went black. When I felt a hard smash against my head.

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