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The bell rang for the morning at the Old Campus.

"Now the class..." Koro-sensei was moving at Mach 20, a blur of motion. "Shall we begin?"

"Begin what?"

The class stared at him dumbfounded.

"Midterm time has rolled around!"

Sora groaned in annoyance at that. There really wasn't a worse time of the year. Well except for finals, finals was always the worst day of the year.

"Yes, that's right!" Isogai exclaimed.

"Why are you always so happy?" Sora asked.

"And, that's why this period..." Koro-sensei sped up. "Will be spent in high-speed enhanced test studying!" The class gasped when he suddenly appeared at each one of their desks. "My doubles can work with you one-on-one to drill you on each of your worst subjects!"

Terasaka wasn't impressed. "Ridiculous. He even switches headbands for each subject," he grumbled. When Koro-sensei appeared in front of him the boy glowered, but then gasped when he saw the teacher had a Naruto headband on."Hey! Why do I get a Naruto headband?!"

"You just gotta 'Believe It!' Teraseka!" Yuki chirped. Sora turned to glance at her, he was happy she was doing better. After what happened on the day of The Assembly she had basically shut down. He really regretted not being there to back her up. But instead he was hiding their teachers porn stash from him.

She insisted to him that he didn't need to worry about it but- it still felt like he should have been there.

Suddenly a dent appeared in Koro-sensei's face, making Sora jump.

Karma had his knife raised, sticking out his tongue.

"No sneak assassinations now, Karma!" Koro-sensei scolded. "Dodging will disrupt my persistence of vision!"

"These doubles are so fine and delicate," Nagisa said. "But, do you have any strength left after making them?"

"Not to worry!" Koro-sensei looked at him. "I have a double resting outside."

Outside there was a double sunbathing near the window.

"How is that helping?" Nagisa yelled.

"So," Koro-sensei looked up from the textbook. "Do you understand so far, Sora?"

Sora looked up and shrugged. "For the most part."

Across the class, more and more students were cheering up while the doubles tutored them.

Sora smiled. Maybe things would go better this year?


The next day arrived and Sora stared in shock at his teacher. Just how many doubles was this now!?

"Good morning, class," Koro-sensei greeted them. He was going even faster than yesterday, making more doubles. "Today I've tried making even more of me!"

"Now, let's begin!" Koro-sensei was going too fast, the doubles were glitching which just made the students confused.

Sora was honestly worried. The poor bastard was working himself way too hard.

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