The Box of Moe

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"That was a fun school trip!" Nagisa said as he and Sugino walked towards the campus building.

Sugino sighed. "But, now it's back to normal."

"Ah yes, our perfectly normal school experience!" Sora joked. "Where we climb a mountain every day, and get trained by a Special Forces Agent, and a Pro Assassin, in order to kill a Giant Yellow Octopus, who also happens to be our teacher!"

Sugino stared at him. "Point taken."

"YO!" Isogai ran to catch up with them.

Nagisa and Sugino stopped to turn around. "Morning, Isogai-kun," Nagisa replied, smiling.

"Did you guys see that group email from Karasuma-sensei?" Isogai asked.

"Yep." Nagisa nodded.

"It was about a transfer student right?" Sugino questioned.

Isogai reached into his pocket to get his phone.

"Hmm. Sounds like another Pro-killer to me..." Sugino muttered, looking at the email on Isogai's flip phone.

Nagisa and Sugino looked at the email over Isogai's shoulders. "So now they're bringing in a student assassin?" Nagisa said, frowning.

"It's a possibility. And it's more likely than a regular student as far as I'm concerned." Sora replied, letting out a quiet yawn.

Isogai looked up at the old campus. "If they're a transfer student maybe they'll be our age, not like Bitch-sensei."

"On that note!" Okajima appeared out of nowhere in front of them, making Sugino jerk back.

"Where'd you come from?!" Sugino yelped.

Okajima looked unperturbed. "I was curious too, so I asked Karasuma if he had a photo." He took out his phone. "Here's what he sent!"

The photo showed a schoolgirl with lilac hair and red eyes.

"Oh! She's a girl!"

"You made it your wallpaper, huh?" Nagisa commented dryly.

"She's pretty cute," Isogai complimented.

"Right! Super cute!" Okajima cried out, hugging the phone to his chest. "Oh man, I sure hope we hit it off!" He started to dance on the spot with excitement.

"Why is Okajima dancing like he's about to pee himself?" Yuki asked in a joking manner, earning a laugh from Sora.

"She doesn't look like a killer," Sugino said.

"I'm so...I'm so nervous!" Okajima continued to gush.

"Yeah..." Nagisa nodded.

"Please let us hit it off!" Okajima yelled.

Kataoka and Hinano, who were walking by, looked over at the boys curiously.

"Dial it down a notch, Okajima," Sugino tried to get him to settle down.

Kataoka groaned while Hinano smiled in exasperation as they passed them.

The sky above them was a bright blue as they made their way inside the campus building.

"I wonder if she's here yet?" Sugino said as he slid the classroom door open. "You know, the new girl."

He and his classmates froze when they saw a large black box monitor at the end of the room by the window.

"Umm" Sora muttered.

"Did Koro-Sensei get some weird new TV?" Yuki muttered.

The black rectangular object looked six feet tall with a screen at the top.

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