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A friendship. A promise. A mutual love. And a gunshot.

That was all it took to change a life.

Sora was silent, standing on a sandy beach, his eyes glazed over. His breathing was steady, but also tired. He was tired. He was so tired.

But he smiled.

"Oh yeah...she always wanted to live in a place like this." Sora muttered, his bare feet sinking into the sand as the tied washed up to him, barely too far to submerge his feet. "Why am I thinking of this now?"


A shot rang out, and Okano whimpered in fright. "FYI, this room is completely soundproof." The Assassin informed them smugly. "You'll all be Swiss Cheese long before anyone comes to the rescue." He twirled his gun carelessly through his fingers. "Come on, we all know you ain't got the grips for homicide. Surrender like good little boys and girls and we'll go see the-"

A bullet whizzed past his head.

Sora gaped, who the hell- was that Hayami or Chiba!?

Suddenly, bright stage lights turned on, illuminating the room. Isogai and Yada winced at the sudden brightness from their positions, crouched behind the chairs.

The Assassin flung a remote remote to the ground. "This is shaping up to be a job I can really sink my teeth into." He chuckled lowly.

Sora glared, that light was blinding! He could barely bring himself to look up. They needed to do something before the bastard took one of their heads off.

"This is gonna be like a four-star killing cook free for all." Gastro said as he raised his gun, firing at where Hayami had shot at him from.

"I never forget an enemy's position once they've fired." The sharp-shooter bragged. "I acquired that trick in the army."

Sora hummed, if he was a soldier...then that made sense.

"Think of it as battlefield synesthesia, I can echo-locate the source of hostile gun fire with pinpoint accuracy and check my own gun by taste." The Assassin stuck his gun in his mouth, saliva dripping down his chin. "Now then," he took it out with a slight laugh. "I know there's one more stolen firearm out there."

Koro-sensei's voice rung out. "Stand by, Hayami. Hold your position." Rinka's eyes narrowed, a serious expression on her face. "Wise decision not to fire, Chiba. Well played." Koro-sensei praised the boy, who gasped slightly. "Our opponent doesn't have a lock on you yet. Hang tight and wait for my signal. I'll keep an eye on him and tell you when to shoot."

Koro-sensei giggled cheekily as the man's eyes fell on the directly in front of him. Koro-sensei, still in his ball form, perched on top.

"Hey!" The Gunman cried out, starting to fire at the new target immediately.

Sora face palmed.

"You in the front row," he replaced his ammo at lightning speed. "Don't stare at me!"

Koro-sensei just laughed. "A seasoned marksmen against adolescent assassins. Our modest advantage will, I think, be quite enough." His mouth split open into a wide grin. "Okay, Kimura, run five seats to your left."

The boy followed the orders without hesitation. "Terasaka, and Yoshida, dash three seats to either side." Gastro looked on warily. "We've made a blind spot. Kayano, two rows forward and through the gap. Go!" The girl grunted but did as the teacher said. "Karma and Fuwa, move eight seats right. Isogai, five seats left. Sora, move 3 seats to the left." The kids obeyed and the Gunman huffed.

Koro-sensei realised this too and swiftly changed tactics. "Alternate naming scheme!" He yelled. Gastro's eyes widened in shock. "Student twelve, move right and continue prepping. Students four and five train your camera on the target from between the seats." Gastro looked around frantically, trying to find some sort of pattern. "Use Ritsu to keep Chiba apprised of his movements on stage."

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