The Gang Wins the World Series

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Sugino stretched and let out a content sigh and said, "The rainy season's finally over!"

"It's starting to get hot," Nagisa added smiling.

"The season for outdoor activities!" Sugino announced merrily. "How about we go have fun somewhere outside?" He suggested.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" The blue-haired boy tilted his head slightly.

"How about... fishing?" Karma finally spoke up.

"You fish?" Sora asked.

"Summer is the season for fresh delinquents," Karma said grinning. "Let's use Nagisa-kun as bait to catch the ones that try to shake him down and fleece them instead!"

"I wasn't aware delinquents were seasonal..." Sora muttered.

The boys continued walking. "What should we do?" Sugino mused as he leaned backwards, supporting his head with his hands.

"What do you think, Nagisa-kun?" Karma perked up.

"Let's see... Ooh! The beach..." He trailed off.

"As long as we confiscate Okajima's camera it should be fine." Sora agreed.

Sugino stopped, looking sideways, slight envy in his eyes. His two companions noticed and looked back. The End class boys had come about the baseball field. The darker haired boy turned a little and faced the fence.

One of the players threw the baseball which landed in the pitcher's glove.

"Nice throw, captain!" Someone cheered.

The baseball team captain, Kazuta Shindo respired, catching the ball with one hand and wiping the sweat off his forehead from his sleeve.

"Hey, Sugino! It's you!" Shindo said.

The said boy looked surprised at the sudden calling. Every head turned.

"Long time no see." He said not really enthusiastic.

"Sugino!" Other team members started gathering.

They seemed happy. Almost too happy. This was strange, Sora had never seen main campus kids like this happy to see an E-Class kid.

Maybe it was some sort of baseball camaraderie?

Sugino felt slightly unnerved but he quickly masked his discomfort with a smile and said, "hi!"

"What gives? You should come to say hello once in a while," One player said.

"Nah it'd be awkward." The baseball geek let out a light chuckle. Nagisa and Karma only smiled. Sora meanwhile narrowed his eyes, far more skeptical than the others.

"Say, you're pitching in the next week's ball tournament, right?" A club member asked.

"Oh! I guess it hasn't been decided yet, but I think I'd like it." Sugino answered folding his arms.

"We'll be looking forward to it!" one od the players fist-bumped with Sugino and his spirit seemed to be lifted.

"Sure thing!" He exclaimed gladly.

"But man, I envy you, Sugino."

"You're E class so you get to goof off every day," Another boy added.

Cerulean eyes widened and Sugino's smile vanished. He looked down as they continued. "We've got schoolwork and club so we're running on fumes."

"Knock it off. That's not nice." Shindo said. Everyone looked his way. "Juggling both schoolwork and extra-curricular at a prep school isn't something you have to do unless you're the chosen." He added proudly.

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