A Friendship, A Promise, A Mutual Love, and A Gunshot

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A Friendship.

"Koichi-sensei told me to grab you," Ren stated, looking down at his friend. "You can't keep skipping class. What the hell are you gonna do in the future if you keep pulling this?"

Sora shrugged as he sat up, yawning as he did so.

"I guess I'll just coast off of you then?" Sora replied with a smirk. Earning a glare from the blue-eyed boy.

"You sure you're 13? You act more like you're 6..."

"Don't be rude!"

"Then get your ass up!"

Ren forcefully pulled Sora up, dragging him to his feet against his will. Sora yelped in surprise before he groaned.

"Huh? I don't wanna. I'm just gonna get lectured again." Sora groaned, putting up a half-hearted effort to avoid getting dragged against his will. But he wasn't trying all that hard. Meaning Ren had no trouble dragging him.

"If you don't wanna get scolded then stop skipping class." Ren shot back, earning a frown from his brown-haired friend.

"I'd rather get scolded than go to class." He shot back.

"And that attitude is why you get scolded."

"Shut up."

"I'll shut up when you stop being a dumbass," Ren stated, earning a whine from the slightly shorter boy. The pair made their way down the halls of Aoyama Gakuin Junior High School. One boy much more willing to move than the other.

A few people stared, and even fewer laughed, at the display. And you their credit, the idea of a teenager being forcefully dragged to class against their will was pretty funny. Even if Sora was the only person who was unamused.

"Okay fine I get it...now will you stop dragging me?" Sora pleaded, pointing over his shoulder. "People are staring."

"If I let go you'll just run away." The black-haired boy pointed out with a glare. Sora shrunk under said glare, why couldn't Koichi-sensei have sent Yomikawa or Kamisato instead? They would have been way easier to escape from than the iron grip of their class president.

Then again, that was almost certainly why Ren was sent to get him. Because he was the only person that Sora couldn't escape from.

"Let's hang out after school. But I'm only coming with you if you play nice." Ren stated, and Sora sighed.

"Can you not bribe me with treats like I'm a toddler?"

"Stop acting like one and I won't."

"...Fine..." Sora relented. "I accepted your conditions."

"Good, because we're already here." Ren stated, sliding the door open. And dragging Sora into the room. "I found him."

There were laughs throughout the room, as Sora groaned in annoyance.

"Ah, good to hear. Both of you take your seats so we may continue then." Koichi-sensei stated, looking up, and pushing his glasses up nose. "And Sora, I hope your nap was pleasant."

Sora groaned as he was forced to sit down in his seat. The very back of the room, by the window. Just like a true anime protagonist. Ren sat down at the front center, like the teachers pet that he was.

As he sat down, he felt somebody tap on his shoulder. Her turned to see the blue eyes of Asami Izumi, the younger half-sister of Ren. She was a popular girl, with long black hair and blue eyes. "Ren really threw you for a loop huh?"

"Tell me about it. I was having such a nice dream too." Sora grumbled, even though he barely even remembered the dream. He just had a strange feeling that it was a good one.

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