The Performance of a Lifetime

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"No no no! You're all out of sync again!" Yuki shouted, glaring at her bandmates. "Teraseka! The drums aren't meant to be the main show here, stop trying to upstage everyone!"

Teraseka flinched.

"Maehara! Your bass isn't even tuned. Tune it and we'll try again!" Yuki added.

Maehara gulped.

"Nakamura! Stay on schedule with your riffs. You keep starting too early!"

Nakamura nodded.


Mimura whimpered.

"You're actually doing a really good job. Keep it up."

Sora watched the scene unfold from the steps, sitting beside Koro-sensei.

"She's scary huh?" Sora joked, earning a laugh from his teacher.

"I prefer to call her passionate," Koro-sensei replied, earning a sigh from the student.

"Well, both can technically work though. I mean...It's always the people who are the most passionate that freak me out." Sora mused, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

"And that is something we agree in. When it comes to watching someone pursue their passion so whole-heartedly, it's both terrifying and amazing." Koro-sensei agreed, taking a bite out of his pen. As he did so Sora stared at him in mild annoyance.

"You know...munching on a pen as you speak makes you sound a lot less wise you know that?" Sora pointed out.

"I can't help that I like the taste..." Koro-sensei moped.

"Stop crying about everything!" Sora shot back, irritation etched into his features. But then, after a moment, his irrigation faded, and was quickly replaced with a wide smile and a laugh.

"So what did you say to her?" Koro-sensei asked, turning to look at him. "I was planning to talk to her but-"

He took another bite of his pen.

"You beat me to it right?"

Sora sighed and shook his head.

"All I did was give her a push. She's the one that's gonna take this all the way to the finish line." He said, watching his classmates practice with a small smile on his face. "Everyone needs a hand getting started. You've already done that for all of us."

He closed his eyes in contemplation.

"Now...I wanna try and be the 'wise mentor' you know?" The young man joked, a wide smile on his face, earning a chuckle from his sensei.

"You all have potential Sora. Each and everyone one of you has the chance to be something great." Koro-sensei stated. Sora frowned at that, however, looking down at the ground.

"I don't know about all that." He lamented. "It kinda feels like I already missed that shot for myself."

Koro-sensei's gaze softened.

"You made mistakes when you were young. And you'll probably make more before you're my age." Koro-sensei spoke, resting a tentacle on the brown-haired boy's head. "But you've already changed plenty. And you'll change even more with time."

Sora sighed and rolled his eyes. "You can't just let me have a pity party huh?"

"What sort of teacher would I be if I did?" He asked, earning a laugh from Sora.

"A normal teacher. That's what."


The two were broken from their thoughts when Yuki's voice rang through the air.

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