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The game console for...some Galaga knockoff declared.

''Dammit! How the hell are you dodging those?!'' Sugino shouted. A very speedy hand pushed buttons and moved the controller around at lightning speed. Kanzaki was sat at the console, her group members surrounding her all dressed in kimonos.

"This is a little embarrassing," She blushed.

Sora watched in interest as Kanzaki played the game. Rather amused at how Yuki was basically bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Kanzaki you need to teach me!" She begged, is Sora wasn't there for it he would never believe that they had just been kidnapped today. They barely even seemed to bat an eye over what had happened. It was really bizarre to him.

Maybe it had something to do with their Assassination Training? Like maybe they subconsciously had less fear due to the idea of death always being forced on them.

It was a strange theory, but at least it was something.

"You still in there Sora? Why do you keep spacing out?" Yuki asked, looking up at him with a teasing expression. "Are you really that stunned by seeing cute girls in Kimonos?"

He knew she was just teasing him, so he didn't raise any sort of fuss, other than rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Now that's a pro," Sugino enthused, "smiling so sweetly with that grip of hers!"

Sora made a face at that.

Okuda stared at the screen in amazement and awe. ''Wow!'' She declared, ''I had no idea you were this good at games, Kanzaki!''

"I kept it quiet. In my family, frivolity was frowned upon. But maybe I've been too worried about what others think. Clothes, hobbies, status... I ran from it, got swept up in it, and wound up lacking confidence." Kanzaki confided, eyes on her screen. Kayano smiled proudly at the girl. "But Koro-sensei made me realise you just need to be the person you are on the inside to face forward and do their best."

''Ack! They got you!'' Kayano cried in distress as Kanzaki got a game over. Kanzaki just laughed.


''This inn is a real dump, though, isn't it?'' Okajima complained, walking with Nagisa, Sora, and Sugino. ''Two big bedrooms, separated by sex?'' Nagisa held an irritated but stressed face at Okajima while Sugino stared with a straight face. ''The students in all the other classes get their own hotel rooms."

''Ah, it's more fun this way,'' Nagisa tried to calm him, only to hum in curiosity at seeing the sneaking forms of Nakamura and Fuwa. The two girls were peeping through a gap in a door. ''Hey,'' he called, the three boys making their way towards the two girls. ''What are you two up to?''

A sign hung above the door reading 'Men's Bath'.

"This feels like trouble..." Sora muttered.

''Shh!'' Fuwa hushed.

''Isn't it obvious?'' Nakamura turned to face them, Fuwa smirking behind her. ''We're peeping!''

''Peeping?!'' Nagisa questioned in shock.

Okajima took a step back in shock, his male companions watching him with a smirk. ''But that's our job!''

Sora raised an eyebrow at that. "Since when?"

Nagisa stated, ''it's no one's job.''

''Can you still say that after seeing this?'' Koro-sensei's robes were hung up. ''Clothes hung like that mean their wearer is in the bath.'' Fuwa and Nakamura leaned over one another to peer through the door. ''You get what I'm saying?'' She glanced back at the guys.

Slacker (Assassination Classroom) (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now