Sora vs Izumi

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Itona stared at the screen, his eyes narrowed as they arrived. Ritsu was basically live-streaming the entire conflict for everyone back at the campus.

And now all they could do was watch.

"So that's Ren Izumi huh?" Karma mused, taking note of his ragged and disheveled appearance. "He looks like what you would expect from a delinquent I guess."

Kota sighed, in the time since Sora and Koro-sensei had left, he, Sumi, and Akihiko had been filled in about everything. "He used to look more like Isogai over there."

"I can't see that..." Maehara muttered.

Kota frowned. "Looking at him now...I can't either."

There was silence for a moment. Before Hayami spoke up.

" much of a shot does Sora have?" She asked, turning toward Kota. But instead of Kota, Sumi replied.

"50/50?" She guessed. "Izumi has always been good in a fight. He learned from his brother."

"Sora's been doing assassination training though. I'd say that makes it more like 65/35." Akihiko added. "The question is whether Sora is willing to actually finish Izumi off."

"They were friends right?" Karma asked.

"I don't think Sora will be going for the kill. I don't think he's that kind of person." Nagisa added, earning a look from Akihiko.

"Then we're back down to 50/50." He muttered.

Teraseka smirked and chuckled. "Nah, I don't know how much about this Izumi guy fights. But I can't see Sora losing to anyone when he's like this."

Itona turned toward him. "How do you figure?"

Teraseka smirked.

"Sora said he'd win."


"You know I'm pretty sure I told you to come alone." Izumi spoke, walking toward Sora, dragging his hammer behind him.

"You only gave me six hours to get to Osaka from Hachioji." Sora shot back, marching toward Izumi as well. "I don't have the money for a train fare."

"Well as long as it doesn't interfere I don't have a problem." Izumi shot back, continuing his march. "He can go ahead and untie the girl by the way. I don't need the hostage anymore."

"How generous of you. Do you want a prize for your selflessness?" Sora quipped, stepping even closer. They were mere inches apart at this point, glaring at one another.

"You've always got something to say don't you?" Izumi spat.

Sora remained silent. Neither one of them making a single movement. Meanwhile, Koro-sensei moved over to Yuki to free her. Both of them fully focused on the fight that was about to begin.

"What are they doing?" Yuki muttered.

"They're waiting." Koro-sensei explained.

The area was dead silent. The cold wind howling through their ears. And before Yuki could even think about asking her next question, with only one hand, Izumi swung his hammer straight up. Sora sidestepped, the blunt weapon only missing his head by a matter of inches. And with it above him, Izumi brought it down.

Sora jumped back, the hammer slamming against the ground where Sora had stood. The brown-haired combatant tried to capitalize on this. But Izumi jumped over the hammer, using it to hold himself up, and slammed both of his feet into Sora's chest.

Sore rolled back, laying on the floor. And before he could even react. Izumi was above him yet again, slamming his weapon down toward Sora's head. The shorter male grit his teeth, rolling out of the way and jumping to his feet.

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