Sports Festival?

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Sora leaned back in his seat. His eyes closed, listening, watching, waiting.

That made this sound more important than it was. Really, Sora found out that Isogai was working at a cafe near school. So he invited Yuki to check it out with him.

Anyway, that spiraled into himself, Yuki, Maehara, Nagisa, Kayano, Okajima and Kataoka all sitting at a table, watching Isogai do his job like a bunch of stalkers.

Their eyes followed a waiter strolling past.

"Wow, he's Prince Charming!" Kayano said.

"He really is!" Yuki agreed.

"Should I be threatened?" Sora pondered.

"It's Isogai. Everyone should be." Yuki responded.

Sora nodded, she raised a valid point.

The waiter stopped walking and turned around as the bell tingled. "Welcome!" Isogai called with a smile. "Ah, always good to see you, Harada-san, Ito-san."

Two older women stood in the entranceway.

"How's it going, Yuma-chan?" one greeted.

The other raised a hand. "We come here more for you than the coffee!"

Isogai looked perplexed, then concerned. "Now don't say that. Wouldn't want the owner to head to the dark side."

The other students watched.

"So, a mocha for you, Harada-san, and a double-expresso for Ito-san? Our manager's special today is a nice chiffon cake."

"Ooh! We'll take two," one of the women answered.

"Thank you very much."

Isogai walked past the students' table again.

"Our leader really is a man among men," Maehara smirked.

"I could kill him," Okajima growled.

"He's simply too perfect." Sora agreed.

"You're sure making that one cup of tea last a while," Isogai commented, walking over.

Everyone brightened. Okajima's scowl turned into a smile.

"And why not? We are keeping your job secret, you know," Meahara drawled.

"I get it. A shakedown, eh?" He held up a teapot, winking and finger raised to his mouth. "If you'll take a second steep, this round's on me."

Nagisa and Kayano flushed with joy as their cups were refilled.

He's Prince Charming!

"Don't tell me your mum's feeling poorly again?" one of the women asked with concern.

"Yes, well..." Isogai winked. "It's just me and Mom, so I have to help out with the finances."

He's Prince Charming!

Kayano cried in disbelief, Nagisa's eyes sparkled and Okajima gritted his teeth like a caveman.

"Him being poor is his only negative," Maehara said fondly. "And he even turns that into a cool-guy advantage! He wears his bargain-basement clothes so neat and clean, they don't look cheap at all."

"He's Prince Charming!" everyone cried.

"He let me eat some of the goldfish he caught at the summer festival." Maehara continued. "And boy, can he cook a good!"

"He's Prince Charming!"

"And after he used the bathroom? The toilet paper was folded into a triangle!"

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