Friendship Lost

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"Sora..." Ren's broken voice rang out. At the sound, Sora perked up. Sliding off if the hood of the van, and standing on the ground. His footsteps echoing as he landed.

"You found him?" Sora asked.

"Yeah..." Ren nodded, gesturing for Sora to follow him.

It had only been 6 months since Asami died. After the gunshot, Sora had tried to rush her to the hospital. But she had died before they even got off the beach. The moment the bullet entered her skull, she was already dead.

In the months that followed, Ren had become more violent, more aggressive, and far more dangerous. It had almost scared Sora off. But the brown-haired young man had changed his tune when he realized what Ren had done.

The Red Owls.

The very same gang that Kaito Izumi had ran before his death. Ren had taken up the same name. All for the sake of finding the bastard who had killed Asami and making him pay.

Sora was on board.

"Where is he?" Sora asked.

"Akihiko tracked him to a trainyard, the place is mostly abandoned. But the occasional train comes through, still using the route." Ren explained, as he did so, both him and Sora climbed into the van.

"We should get there fast. If a train comes through the guy may use that to escape." Sumi added, sitting in the passenger seat beside Akihiko. Kota nodded in agreement, glancing at Sora. Sora nodded in response.

"If we're gonna do this then we've gotta do it now." Sora agreed.

Kota, Akihiko, and Sumi. They had all joined up before Sora himself did. The group was small, but they were hardly even a real gang either. Just a couple of punk kids with an axe to grind. All of them knew either Kaito or Asami in some way. And all of them wanted payback for the people they lost.

But Ren...the guy had really let himself go. Sora couldn't recall the last time he'd seen him sleep.

Sora sighed, leaning back as the van drove down the road. He looked over at all the other people in the van. Kota seemed nervous, Akihiko was too focused on driving for anything else, Sumi was practically hyperventilating.

And Ren...he was quiet. Staring down at the floor as they drove. His eyes, cold and dead. This wasn't the person who Sora had warmly regarded as his best friend. This was a completely different person at this point.

It was heartbreaking to see.

"We're only a few minutes out now. So get ready." Akihiko warned, earning a nod from Sora.

"We all remember the plan?" The brown-haired young man asked. This earned nods from the entire car.

4 people on the same page. And 1 person who thought he was.

After another minute, the car went over a bump. And slowly it rolled into the yard. A lump formed in Sora's throat as he steeled himself for what was to come. He was ready for this. He had to be ready for this.

This was for the sake of Asami, Ren, and himself.

Immediately after the van stopped, Kaito kicked the door open. Looking around in anger, his eyes darting all over the place. Dragging a sledgehammer behind him he stalked through the yard.

The others piled out of the car after him.

"You're sure he's around here Akihiko?" Kota asked, earning a nod from the taller man.

"Yeah, positive. We just need to look around a bit." Akihiko nodded, as Sumi walked up beside him.

"Fan out and search the area. When you find him you tell me! I wanna kill him myself." Ren spat, looking around the yard himself. Sora stared at him for a moment, before he buried his face in his palm.

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