Chapter 19:

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Louis drives them to London. Harry had always talked about seeing the city and Louis decided why not, they live nearby anyway. He had blindfolded Harry again, so he had no clue where they were. Louis could not wait to see Harry's face when he noticed.

Louis parked the car and got out to open the door for Harry. After making sure Harry was standing properly, Louis undid the blindfold. Harry gasped as he looked up to find Big Ben a few meters away.

"We're in London" Harry whispers. Louis chuckles and moves in behind Harry, wrapping his arms around his middle.

"We are in London." Louis replies, kissing Harry's neck.

"Louis you actually brought me too London. Oh my gosh, you are the best. I love you so much." Harry squeals.

"And I love you, which is why we came to London." Louis says. "Now come on we have a few things to see." Louis lets go of Harry in favor of wrapping his arm around his waist, guiding him along. They approach Big Ben and Harry is honestly in awe of the building before him. It was incredible how huge it was. As he studied it, he couldn't help but think of one of his favorite storybook characters.

"Peter Pan once looked at this clock. It was from here when he told Wendy that Neverland was the second star to the right and straight on 'till morning." Harry mused. Louis smiled at Harry; he was quite familiar with the story.

"Yep, Peter Pan was never one for time now was he." Louis stated. Harry giggled.

"I always wanted to be whisked away by Peter Pan, so I wouldn't have to deal with growing up and having kids laughing at me." Harry said more seriously. Louis frowned and pulled Harry into his chest. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis, placing his head in the crook of his neck.

"No one will laugh at my baby. I'll be Peter Pan, there to whisk you away whenever you get stuck. You can be my Wendy and tell stories to our future children about how their Daddy was always there to protect his prince." Harry smiles into Louis' neck. Having Louis talking about their future was the greatest feeling. He liked the idea of being Louis' forever.

Eventually the made their way to Piccadilly Circus, just roaming around and looking at the few shops. They stopped a few shops here and there, really just looking, not really buying. At one particular store, Louis could not resist in buying Harry a new flower crown. It used thicker flowers and they were colored red, pink, and yellow. He bought it, even though Harry protested that he already had too many. He took off the one Harry was wearing and exchanged it with the one he just bought. It looked great on Harry.

"Beautiful." Louis murmured, leaning in and kissing Harry. Harry kissed back; Louis was seriously too much sometimes. They continued walking until they came up to small café. Louis saw that it had been a few hours since lunch, so they walked in. They ordered and then sat at a booth while they waited for their food.

"Lou thanks for today, I really like it. I can't believe you did all this. It must have been a lot of work planning it." Harry says, smiling largely at Louis. Louis feels the smile all the way to his heart. That one smile makes up for all the trouble he went through to make this day amazing, not that he's complaining. He wanted tonight to be special and no matter what it took he was going to accomplish that. Harry praising him for it made everything worth it.

"It could have been the most difficult thing I'd ever done, but it wouldn't matter. Being able to see you smile like today makes everything worth it." Harry blushes at Louis' sincerity. Louis just leans over the table to place a kiss on his nose. Harry looks up and beams at Louis. Yep it was definitely worth it.

After they finish off their food, Louis claims there's one last stop for the day. When they walk outside, it's dark. 'Perfect', Louis thinks. The walk hand in hand, until the stumble upon the London eye. Harry's eyes widen at such a magnificent sight. It's lit up and looks gorgeous in the darkness. Louis guides them toward it, telling Harry that this is the last stop for tonight.

They wait for their turn, and finally the climb in, more people behind them. Louis guides Harry along to the far end, right in front of the glass that separates them from the outside world. Louis hugs Harry from behind as they look out. When they reach the very top, Harry gasps at the beauty of the lights in contrast to the night sky. The city at night is always a sight. It just gives off this beautiful glow, the world still runs at night, no matter how many people may be asleep.

"It's beautiful Lou." Harry whispers in the confinement of the capsule. Louis looks at Harry's face, the lights from the city reflecting on it. He looks like an angel. Louis is so far for this boy it hurts. He can't help himself when he leans to give Harry a kiss. It's magical really, that kiss. Harry feels all the love and emotion that Louis is putting into it and he kisses back with just as much intensity. Soon they pull away and Louis knows the next thing he's going to say is overused and cliché, but oh well.

"Not as beautiful as you, nothing compares to you." Harry giggles and blushes, turning his attention back to the view. It really is incredible. This might just be the best Valentine's Day he's ever had, but then again he doesn't normally get taken out on dates by cute punks that know how to charm their way to your heart.

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